Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 22, 2011

It's transfer week...
...and it looks like I'm headed to Raymond! I'm excited, and not, at the same time. I really wanted to stay and "kill" off Elder Chamberlin (he's going home soon), but looks like that's not going to happen. Raymond will be sick because I'm covering an entire stake, so we will be very busy. This may be my last area...who knows? Also I'm not serving around Elder Newman anymore (he came out with me). We have been serving around each other for six transfers in a row and eight total. Ha! It has been great, but now I probably won't see him till the mission home. Elder Chamberlin is staying put and he is getting E. Nashif who is only 4 months out. We don't know him. My companion is Elder Reese. He is three transfers younger than me and he is cool kid. It should be fun.

Well it's a short one this week because I don't have a lot of time. It has been a fun time in the Hat and I will miss it, but Raymond will be a blast. I love you guys so much and will tell ya all about Raymond next week.

Elder Moore

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 14, 2011


Its finally warming up!!!!! But not for long........by Thursday its going to snow then it will get really cold again.

Nothing too exciting this week, just another week of stopping by members and potential investigators. Our investigator is in Ethiopia on a humanitarian trip, they get back on the 25th, but that is 2 days after transfers; so hopefully, I'm still around when they get back! We are working to find more people to teach, now we are back down to zero investigators till she gets back. This week we have a couple of less actives that we are going to start teaching and I'm excited about them because they haven't been active for awhile. It will be awesome to get them back.

This last District meeting (we have them every Tuesday morning at 10) that we had was awesome, it was mostly out of chapter 10 in Preach My Gospel, the theme was teach people, not lessons. In the the beginning of my mission we had a bad habit of "fire hosing" a lesson and not asking "effective" questions, but over the past year they have given a series of trainings to help us teach better. So in this DM we read a lot out of Alma 18, that chapter is one of the best examples of teaching - it's all about teaching with the spirit.

Well that was pretty much our week ha! Well I love you guys so much! Have a great week!!

Elder Hayden Moore

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011

Busy Week Up Here in the Great White North

Another week come and gone.... Tell Bishop Anderson that I thank him for everything that he has done as bishop and that he did an amazing job magnifying his calling. Send my condolences to Bishop Nathan Andersen haha jk He will do an amazing job, he is a spiritual giant and he was great example to me as my home teaching companion.

So far it is not as cold as it was last week, but tonight it will get pretty chilly at about -30c but then it is supposed to warm up by the end of the week so hopefully it is going to start warming up here a little more frequently. What I have learned by living in this climate is that I can live with snow. It's really not that bad. It can get annoying but I can deal with it. What I can't live with is the cold temps. Not the 10c, that's not bad; it's when its like -25 to -30, even - 40 when it is killer.

We were pretty busy this week... Tuesday we had exchanges and I went with E. Miller again this time just working in my area. We had a good day and had a few lessons with some less actives and also we had a lesson with our investigator. In the lesson we answered some of the questions she had and helped clear up some rumors she had heard ha. It was a really good lesson and we really feel like she is moving in the right direction. We also met with her on Sunday and we watched the Restoration DVD. This was the last lesson we are going to have with her for a few weeks because she, our WML (ward mission leader), and the members she is living with are going to Ethiopia on a humanitarian trip. So hopefully she will realize what she needs to do. E. Chamberlin and I both feel like we have done all we can and now it is in her hands to make the decision, we will obviously still teach her and help her, but she knows what she needs to do. She is very smart and a good person. I am confident that the Spirit will lead her to making the right decision. So going back to Wednesday, we had Zone Conference in Magrath which is about 3 hours southwest of Med Hat. It was a long day. We had to leave the Hat by 530am to get there by 830 and the roads where terrible; it was windy and icy and there was a lot of blowing snow, but we got there safe, no incidents. Zone Conference was good they talked about urgency in our investigators being baptized and they focused a lot on numbers... and they talked a lot about the Atonement. We listened to a talk given by Elder Jeffery R. Holland, he gave it to Mission Presidents and other missionaries it was amazing. The Church Is True!!!! So those were the highlights of the week, it was a good one for sure.

I love you guys so much and have a great week!!!

Elder Moore

Sunday, February 6, 2011

January 31, 2011


Right now, as I am typing this, it is -35C with the windchill, that is -31F for you. Ya I'm freezing my you know what off. What's crazy is that just last Thursday it was really nice outside and it was above 0C. Thankfully we got a car...

So yesterday we got to meet with our investigator again. It was a sweet lesson. We taught her L3 which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She understands everything so well, but just has some concerns that she hasn't shared with us yet. We have a meeting on Tuesday with her so hopefully we can help her with some of those concerns. She understands the Book of Mormon very well and grasps on to the things we are teaching. Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity of giving a talk on missionary work in church. It was an alright talk. haha They are really not that bad to give anymore.

Also yesterday, it was snowy and icy while I was driving. I was making a left turn which I took it a little too fast and jumped the curb. Came within inches of nailing a light pole....haha it was crazy. Missed it and everything is fine. ha

Also a funny moment happened at dinner on Saturday night. For a few days now I have had a cough. In the middle of dinner I was taking a swig of juice and coughed in the middle of it. The juice went everywhere!!! hahaha Most of it went on E. Chamberlin and we were all laughing for about 5 minutes straight it was embarrassing, but funny at the same time.

Well, I am out of time. I love you all and have a great week!!

Elder Moore