Another transfer is this week and I don't know if I am getting a new companion or not. Typically we would be doing the transfers today and I would be writing you tomorrow, but the library is closed tomorrow. Heard about the BYU comp is a huge Utah fan and he is happy they won. Me? I don't care either way. Did you know Utah is coming to the Pac-12 next season and ASU will be playing them? That will be sick. So this last week was great. I already told ya about the lady we taught last week, we taught some less actives this week as well. Saturday and Sunday we were in Bow Island. Driving there was a little sketchy. It started to snow and the were pretty icy. The Bow Island ward mission leader drove us out there. It's about 45 minutes on good roads. While we were there it dumped on us pretty good. We didn't have a car and walking was very hard because underneath the snow was ice. The first time Elder Stevens slipped, I laughed at him. Not more than two seconds later I was on my butt. haha. Karma will get ya. haha. We have a few investigators here and we will probably will meet with them this week.
It was so cold here last week. It snowed a ton and it got down to -26F...all this while we were walking instead of driving. I am so glad this is my last winter haha.
So hopefully ASU can beat on UofA this week (ya, that was kinda random, but I was just talking about it). You are all probably curious what we did for Thanksgiving...well Elder Stevens and I ate some wonderful Campbell's chunky clam chowder!! ha Yeah, we didn't have Thanksgiving. It was pretty depressing we were both pretty trunky.
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week! I will let you know how transfers go!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
November 22, 2010
Boy oh boy! It is cold! The cold is supposed to snap later on this week, thankfully, because we are walking this week. It was a pretty good week. We got a chance to have some lessons with some less actives again and we also taught X today right before we came here to email. The lesson with X went well, but she didn't have a lot of time. We taught her about prayer and she had a concern about the spirit world, so we taught her about that. She thought it fit and then the lesson kinda went off track a little bit, but went well overall. We have another lesson with her on Wednesday. This week we also might have the opportunity to pick up some new investigators, so hopefully the lessons go through!
I am hoping the weather warms up this next week cause it is freakin' cold. I love you all and have great week!!!
Sorry for the short letter. Don't have a lot of time this week!
Elder Moore
I am hoping the weather warms up this next week cause it is freakin' cold. I love you all and have great week!!!
Sorry for the short letter. Don't have a lot of time this week!
Elder Moore
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
November 17, 2010
14 months.....where does the time go? It was a pretty good week, we had a lot of less active lessons and even got 2 to show up for church! It was pretty sweet. The guy I was telling you about last week came again to church. Lucky for him, he got to hear me speak! haha I gave a talk this week in church on the ministry of Christ focused on the Atonement. Giving talks isn't as nerve racking as it used to be. We had a cool experience with a less active lady who smokes like a chimney and has lots of health problems. The spirit was strong in the lesson. We taught her about trials of faith and growing your faith. To top it off, we gave her a blessing. Another less active lesson..we taught him about faith and the importance of coming to church, and he came!! We are still working to get lessons with our investigators. We had a couple set up this last week but they either no showed or called to cancel. We have a few set up for this week, so we will let you know how it goes.
This last week we had zone conference in Taber which is just over an hour west of Medicine Hat. It was probably one of the best zone conferences so far on my mission ( besides when Elder Bednar came in March). A lot of what president trained us on was how to become better missionaries or the "4th Missionary" which was a talk given by someone I can't remember right now, but I'll get it to ya. It is a sweet talk on giving your heart to the Lord and becoming immersed in the work. The Assistants gave a training on Spirit recognition when we teach lessons which was sweet. The church is definitely true, the spirit is so strong out here it is amazing.
It finally snowed! Winter has started... I'm not too happy, it is starting to get pretty cold as well. What does stink is that we are in a car share and that means we have the car every other week. Thankfully, we have it this week but it is supposed to get colder next week. :Like -25c (-13F) which equals very cold ha. As I'm typing this it is snowing with a temp of -9c (15F).
Bummer that Perry lost to Marcos... can't wait to see tapes of Connor's games. Heard the Suns beat the Lakers!!! Man I hate the Lakers. haha
Well I love you all so much and I am missing AZ weather right now. Hope you have a great week!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November 8, 2010
Hey all!!
This last week was alright. Some good stuff happened, but not much happened at the same time. We had a bunch of appointments fall through and we couldn't get a hold of our investigators...... this week though, we are kicking it into high gear cause we are sick of having weeks fall apart on us. So some of the good stuff that happened this week, we taught a less active guy named XXXX and we invited him to church. He came a few weeks ago for the first time in a very long time; and this time when we invited him he said that he hates testimony meeting cause of the people that just get up and rant on and on about things. So we were thinking "ok guess he is not coming". On Sunday we pull up to the church and see his scooter sitting out front!!! He came!!! It was pretty cool. Hopefully this next week we can get in with some of our investigators. I will give you all the info on that next week. I love you all have a great week!
This last week was alright. Some good stuff happened, but not much happened at the same time. We had a bunch of appointments fall through and we couldn't get a hold of our investigators...... this week though, we are kicking it into high gear cause we are sick of having weeks fall apart on us. So some of the good stuff that happened this week, we taught a less active guy named XXXX and we invited him to church. He came a few weeks ago for the first time in a very long time; and this time when we invited him he said that he hates testimony meeting cause of the people that just get up and rant on and on about things. So we were thinking "ok guess he is not coming". On Sunday we pull up to the church and see his scooter sitting out front!!! He came!!! It was pretty cool. Hopefully this next week we can get in with some of our investigators. I will give you all the info on that next week. I love you all have a great week!
November 1, 2010
Hey all!!!
Life has been good so far, can't believe it is NOVEMBER!!!! 2010 has just gone by crazy fast. This last week was pretty good not much happened this week, a lot of our appointments fell through... Oh well it happens, I guess. This last week was slow for us. We had a couple investigator lessons in Bow Island fall through.....hopefully this next week we can get in. Also this last week a less active guy named XXXX came to church for the first time in years!! He gets around in a scooter so it is hard for him. It was awesome to see that he made the effort and came!!. We are hoping that this week will bring some success with our investigators. Medicine Hat is a relic from he 1970s haha It's older, but it's still a fun place. They do have the largest Tee Pee haha. The members are way nice, we kinda have to kick their butts for missionary work though ha. Elder Stevens is sweet we are having a lot of fun haha but still working hard. I'll try and send pictures next week.
Bummer about Connor's homecoming game
Hopefully, next week they can get a win!! When do the playoffs start for them??? Glad ASU finally got a win..... Well I love you all and have a great week!!!
Life has been good so far, can't believe it is NOVEMBER!!!! 2010 has just gone by crazy fast. This last week was pretty good not much happened this week, a lot of our appointments fell through... Oh well it happens, I guess. This last week was slow for us. We had a couple investigator lessons in Bow Island fall through.....hopefully this next week we can get in. Also this last week a less active guy named XXXX came to church for the first time in years!! He gets around in a scooter so it is hard for him. It was awesome to see that he made the effort and came!!. We are hoping that this week will bring some success with our investigators. Medicine Hat is a relic from he 1970s haha It's older, but it's still a fun place. They do have the largest Tee Pee haha. The members are way nice, we kinda have to kick their butts for missionary work though ha. Elder Stevens is sweet we are having a lot of fun haha but still working hard. I'll try and send pictures next week.
Bummer about Connor's homecoming game
Elder Moore
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