Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011


Miracles never cease in 5th and Wildwood!! Our blind friend Chris was baptized on Saturday, and what a miracle he is! He walked into the church over a month ago and new he needed God in his life. Now he has made that change and is loving life and seeing many blessings come his way.

Another awesome miracle that we saw this past week was also on Saturday. Normally we have a standing appointment with a less active named James, but he was sick and couldn't meet. The sad part about that was that we didn't have backup plans...We were humbled and we prayed that Heavenly Father would guide us to who we needed to see at that time. We also repented for not having backup plans. So we looked at the former investigators list and went to meet some. On the way we spoke to a couple people and met a lady who speaks Mandarin Chinese We got her info and passed it off to the Mandarin-speaking Elders. We also got in contact with a former investigator and set up a lesson for next Saturday. The best part about that night was that we went by a part member family and set up a lesson for Sunday. Yesterday we had that lesson with them and taught them about Temples and Eternal Families because they just recently had a baby. Bro XXXXX was very receptive and we set a baptism date with him for the 24th of June! So many amazing things happening here in this area.

We have another amazing week planned this week and have lots of lessons with some potential investigators. On top of this we can take our suit coats off for the summer on June 1st, Wednesday!! That will be a good day haha. I love you all so much and miss ya tons! Have a great week!!

Elder Moore

P.S. in the top picture is of some elders in my transfer and from left to right is me; Elders Fowler; Hurley; Newman; Kirklin; Spurlock; and Glick.

The baptism is Elder Kuettel and this is XXXXX holding his seeing stick.

Then the picture of the city is a view from the balcony of a member.

May 24, 2011

Well I'm back in Calgary serving right downtown! It's pretty sweet and very different than Raymond, but it's awesome. You meet so many interesting people here. The wards I'm serving in are 5th and Wildwood, They are good wards and we have a couple investigators in 5th ward and two of them, we are hoping, will get baptized this Saturday. XXXXX is one of those and he is blind. He only has about 4% of his vision left and he is way solid. Our other investigator is XX. She is solid and knows the Gospel is true, but she needs to stop smoking. She has been good for a few days, but she still needs to make it to Saturday.

My new companion is Elder Kuettel from Stouffville Ontario, Canada. He has been out for about 10 months. It's a lot of fun and we have a ton of work. This might be my last area and I'm hoping it is because there is just so much to do! Downtown Calgary is incredible. I'll send pics next week of the City and our Baptisms!! Love ya!!!

Elder Hayden Moore

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 17, 2011

Hi Family,
I'm getting transferred to downtown Calgary, like right downtown. The wards are 5th and Wildwood. I'm a little bummed...I loved Raymond...but I have always wanted to go downtown too. There will be a lot of opportunities to proselytize.

Can you believe I just passed the 20 month mark? How is Connor? Tell him 'hi'. He is looking huge in those pics, but I will take him down when I get home. haha.

I am sending a few pics. That's Larry Gelwix. He is the coach they based the movie "Forever Strong" on and he is going to be the mission President in Fresno, California. He came to do a fireside in Raymond, it was pretty sweet. His son is also serving in this mission.

Well I have to run! Talk to you next week!

Elder Moore

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011

the phone call was amazing. It was awesome to be able to talk to you all and to hear what's happening in AZ. Overall it was a good week. We had a good lesson with X this week and discussed the Baptismal interview questions to see what still needs to be clarified. Priesthood authority is something she just has not wrapped her head around yet, but still her main concern is smoking.... she has gone down to a couple a day now, but the time is coming close that she needs to stop smoking. I love you guys so much! It was good to hear from you! Have a great week!!

Elder Moore

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2, 2011


Miracles never cease in Raymond!! Last week was nothing short of amazing. We set three baptismal dates! Two of them are with X and her son for the 21st of May (my birthday!!!), and she seems to have a renewed desire to stop smoking! For awhile she seemed like she just didn't really care too much and the desire to change was not really there, but the spirit was working on her and hopefully she acts on the promptings she receives.

We picked up a new investigator named X and we set a date with her for this Wednesday! She is going to Toronto for two months, but is coming back to go to school. She is living with her sister and brother in-law who are fellowshipping her. She has been coming to Church for the last little while with them so we felt prompted to give her a date before she leaves. Her only hang up with getting baptized on Wednesday is that her Mom can't be there for it. Not sure what will happen. We, of course, are encouraging her and supporting getting baptized on Wednesday and trying to show her the importance of doing so. We have a lesson tonight and a dinner+lesson tomorrow.

We had a busy busy week. On top of all that happened we went on two more 24 hour exchanges this week. I went to Cardston for one of them with Elder Harris and then I stayed with Elder Mott, one of our Zone leaders, in Raymond. Exchanges are fun because you get to see another area for a day and experience new things, but going back to your area is always nice. The weather is amazing up here! I have been waiting for over six months for this day!! No more cold!!!! I love you all so much!!! Have a great week!! Happy Mother's Day!!

Elder Moore