Monday, May 30, 2011

May 24, 2011

Well I'm back in Calgary serving right downtown! It's pretty sweet and very different than Raymond, but it's awesome. You meet so many interesting people here. The wards I'm serving in are 5th and Wildwood, They are good wards and we have a couple investigators in 5th ward and two of them, we are hoping, will get baptized this Saturday. XXXXX is one of those and he is blind. He only has about 4% of his vision left and he is way solid. Our other investigator is XX. She is solid and knows the Gospel is true, but she needs to stop smoking. She has been good for a few days, but she still needs to make it to Saturday.

My new companion is Elder Kuettel from Stouffville Ontario, Canada. He has been out for about 10 months. It's a lot of fun and we have a ton of work. This might be my last area and I'm hoping it is because there is just so much to do! Downtown Calgary is incredible. I'll send pics next week of the City and our Baptisms!! Love ya!!!

Elder Hayden Moore

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