Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nice Letter About Elder Moore - May 1, 2010

Editors Note: We received a letter from the ward mission leader of the Heritage ward in Lethbridge this week. What incredible members there are in Canada that would take the time to write us to let us know how our missionary is doing. In addition, the Elder's quorum president from the same ward and his lovely wife and little girl were on "holiday" in AZ and came by today to drop off a package from Hayden (a Canadian hockey jersey, of course!). What sweet people they are and how nice it was to visit with them and find out how Hayden is doing.

Here is the letter...

Moore Family:
My name is Brother Tim Rollingson and I'm the ward mission leader of Heritage Ward in Lethbridge, Alberta where your son is currently serving. We are so pleased to have Elder Moore among us. The work in our area is visibly progressing as a direct result of the work of your son and his companion, Elder Dastrup. He is an effective missionary and I personally appreciate his willingness to obey and work hard, magnifying his calling. He looks well and our members are getting behind him (and feeding him). Thanks for sending us such a worthy servant of the Lord.

With All Sincerity,

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