Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011

Busy Week Up Here in the Great White North

Another week come and gone.... Tell Bishop Anderson that I thank him for everything that he has done as bishop and that he did an amazing job magnifying his calling. Send my condolences to Bishop Nathan Andersen haha jk He will do an amazing job, he is a spiritual giant and he was great example to me as my home teaching companion.

So far it is not as cold as it was last week, but tonight it will get pretty chilly at about -30c but then it is supposed to warm up by the end of the week so hopefully it is going to start warming up here a little more frequently. What I have learned by living in this climate is that I can live with snow. It's really not that bad. It can get annoying but I can deal with it. What I can't live with is the cold temps. Not the 10c, that's not bad; it's when its like -25 to -30, even - 40 when it is killer.

We were pretty busy this week... Tuesday we had exchanges and I went with E. Miller again this time just working in my area. We had a good day and had a few lessons with some less actives and also we had a lesson with our investigator. In the lesson we answered some of the questions she had and helped clear up some rumors she had heard ha. It was a really good lesson and we really feel like she is moving in the right direction. We also met with her on Sunday and we watched the Restoration DVD. This was the last lesson we are going to have with her for a few weeks because she, our WML (ward mission leader), and the members she is living with are going to Ethiopia on a humanitarian trip. So hopefully she will realize what she needs to do. E. Chamberlin and I both feel like we have done all we can and now it is in her hands to make the decision, we will obviously still teach her and help her, but she knows what she needs to do. She is very smart and a good person. I am confident that the Spirit will lead her to making the right decision. So going back to Wednesday, we had Zone Conference in Magrath which is about 3 hours southwest of Med Hat. It was a long day. We had to leave the Hat by 530am to get there by 830 and the roads where terrible; it was windy and icy and there was a lot of blowing snow, but we got there safe, no incidents. Zone Conference was good they talked about urgency in our investigators being baptized and they focused a lot on numbers... and they talked a lot about the Atonement. We listened to a talk given by Elder Jeffery R. Holland, he gave it to Mission Presidents and other missionaries it was amazing. The Church Is True!!!! So those were the highlights of the week, it was a good one for sure.

I love you guys so much and have a great week!!!

Elder Moore

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