Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 28, 2009

Hey Everyone!

Well things are going well! This last week flew by. The weather has warmed the 40s! ha It's a crazy feeling when 34F feels warm, but it will soon get cold again and I am not looking forward to that.

So, this last week we finally caught up with our only investigator, Blaine, and he is gradually making process. Our other hopeful is a part member family and the wife is active but he is not a member. We had a really spiritual lesson last night and committed him to read the BofM. He said he would. Also last night, Elder Neal and I went to get some pizza and while we were in there some guy came up to us and bought us dinner!! We didn't know him. The Lord blesses us in many ways!

Well all is well here in the Great White North! There are a lot of people up here wanting to move to AZ because they all hate the cold! Plus home prices are so cheap in AZ that people are buying winter homes. haha Dang snowbirds. The member that we are staying with has a grandkid in Mesa and was just down there last week.

I love you all!
Love, Elder Hayden Moore

Mom - Here are the answers to your questions
Are you using much money out of your bank account at Chase? Yeah, I'm using it, but not that much. You guys will get a statement in the mail every month so you can monitor it that way.

What do you want for Christmas? We got a letter from the mission office and they said put money in your account so you can buy what you need there. Is that okay with you? Yeah money will be good because I can just by the stuff I need up here.

Do you want us to send some baked goods? We can wrap them tight to keep them fresh. I would love some! ha But try and next day it or something because Canadian mail service is slow!

Did you get something from Dear Elder? Is the quality okay? Not sure if we should use them again. They are good! But yours are better and it will save money if you make it. (Editors note: Did my son really use the phrase "save money"?)

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