Friday, October 23, 2009

Online Chat - October 21, 2009

Beth here...sorry to all our family and friends who are following Elder Moore's blog and are wondering where the latest post is. Scott and I were fortunate enough to "catch" Hayden online on his P-day, so we were able to "chat" with him via email during his alotted time. Hence, no formal letter. I will try to reconstruct as much of the "conversation" I can to share with here goes...

Elder Moore:
Nice! You likin' the new digs (Scott's new building)? I'm doing great! The work in my area is finally starting to move along. Sunday night we and one other companionship met with the AP's (Assistant to the President). The Mission President has challenged us to get a baptism within thirty days, so we are working hard to get that done!

It's about 36f outside, which feels really nice compared to what it has been since I have been here! haha We have dinner appts all the time and this week we have one every day, so they are feeding us great! They are so nice and love the missionaries! The people in general are very nice up here, they love to talk haha.

We are really pushing the members to do more missionary work and hopefully we see some results! no Mex food yet, they have a Taco Time at the mall food court but I haven't tried it yet because I know it won't be the same.

Send all my snail mail to 7044 Farrell Rd SE Calgary, Alberta T2H 0T2. That's the mission office and is where we get our mail. Well, my area is in the suburbs and we have a car! It's an 07 Malibu, so thats cool. Everything that I have is working great! Send me a memory card with pics and video of you guys and the family.

Well I have to get going but I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! And tell everyone else I love and miss them too! Tell Connor I love him and miss him, and tell him serving a mission is the best thing you can do! Love you all and I'll write you next week same time!

Elder Moore

Beth here again...I wanted to share we received a very special phone call on Wednesday night from a dear member in Calgary named Karen Baker. She and her husband had Elder Moore and his companion over for dinner and wanted to let us know what a wonderful missionary Hayden is. She couldn't believe he had only been out for a couple of weeks. What a thoughtful thing for her to do and what an incredible blessing it was for us! Considering all we were going through on Wednesday, I know the Spirit was at work here. How grateful I am for these sweet people who are so close to the Spirit and act on His promptings. It really made our night to get the call. (And just think, I almost let the call go to voicemail because I didn't recognize the number!)

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