Monday, December 20, 2010
December 20, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
December 13, 2010
How are things in sunny and warm AZ? It's been a little chilly up here, but nothing too bad. It is supposed to warm up today and tomorrow. Can you believe only 12 days until I talk to ya! Crazy, crazy!
So we had a couple of cool experiences this week. The first was that a couple of nonmembers came to church and one of them is living with members to do some sort of internship to be a doctor. We might be teaching her after Christmas (she went home for the holidays). The lady I told you about last week got sick and didn't come to the church tour...hopefully we can get her to one soon. Yesterday we stopped by a less active, part member family and they let us in and were really nice. We have a lesson there tomorrow.
Glad to hear the Cardinals are doing something haha. I hear Amare is doing really well in NY. Too bad for the Suns.
I'm also glad to hear the home ward is doing so much missionary work! Tell whoever is the Ward Mission Leader (it's Br. Darron Mortenson) they are doing a great job for getting appointments.
Well I love you all so much! Have a great week!
December 6, 2010
This week seemed slow work-wise for us, but we have a church tour tonight with a nonmember that we met while emailing. It was pretty cool. Elder Stevens was sitting next to her and she was asking him questions about the mission. He invited her to come on a church tour and she accepted! I will give the details on how that goes next week. Also, we have a potential family that we might be teaching. We go the referral for the zone leaders. Their investigator brought a friend to the lesson and when they asked both to be baptized he said that he wants his family to learn with him first. Hopefully we can teach him soon.
So this week we finally got our own car for the area! We were in a car share before where we switched off every Monday. The weeks we didn't have the car seemed to really slow us down especially during the winter when it is so hard to get around. It's a brand new 2011 silver Malibu - nice car. Also this last Saturday we moved into a new place. We are in the basement of Br. Stewart who is an eye doctor in town. We share his kitchen and we have an elliptical and Bowflex to work out on. It's sick. haha. We lived with a really nice family in our last place.
I heard about the ASU win! That is so sick! I also heard that the Cardinals stunk it up again. Wow, they just need t0 lose the rest of their games so they can get a top draft pick. That is sick that Connor got a call from Southern Virginia. Is that a D1 or D2 school? He should try for the ASU football team haha.
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week and enjoy the warmth. Ha!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
November 29, 2010
It was so cold here last week. It snowed a ton and it got down to -26F...all this while we were walking instead of driving. I am so glad this is my last winter haha.
So hopefully ASU can beat on UofA this week (ya, that was kinda random, but I was just talking about it). You are all probably curious what we did for Thanksgiving...well Elder Stevens and I ate some wonderful Campbell's chunky clam chowder!! ha Yeah, we didn't have Thanksgiving. It was pretty depressing we were both pretty trunky.
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week! I will let you know how transfers go!
Elder Moore
November 22, 2010
I am hoping the weather warms up this next week cause it is freakin' cold. I love you all and have great week!!!
Sorry for the short letter. Don't have a lot of time this week!
Elder Moore
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November 8, 2010
This last week was alright. Some good stuff happened, but not much happened at the same time. We had a bunch of appointments fall through and we couldn't get a hold of our investigators...... this week though, we are kicking it into high gear cause we are sick of having weeks fall apart on us. So some of the good stuff that happened this week, we taught a less active guy named XXXX and we invited him to church. He came a few weeks ago for the first time in a very long time; and this time when we invited him he said that he hates testimony meeting cause of the people that just get up and rant on and on about things. So we were thinking "ok guess he is not coming". On Sunday we pull up to the church and see his scooter sitting out front!!! He came!!! It was pretty cool. Hopefully this next week we can get in with some of our investigators. I will give you all the info on that next week. I love you all have a great week!
November 1, 2010
Life has been good so far, can't believe it is NOVEMBER!!!! 2010 has just gone by crazy fast. This last week was pretty good not much happened this week, a lot of our appointments fell through... Oh well it happens, I guess. This last week was slow for us. We had a couple investigator lessons in Bow Island fall through.....hopefully this next week we can get in. Also this last week a less active guy named XXXX came to church for the first time in years!! He gets around in a scooter so it is hard for him. It was awesome to see that he made the effort and came!!. We are hoping that this week will bring some success with our investigators. Medicine Hat is a relic from he 1970s haha It's older, but it's still a fun place. They do have the largest Tee Pee haha. The members are way nice, we kinda have to kick their butts for missionary work though ha. Elder Stevens is sweet we are having a lot of fun haha but still working hard. I'll try and send pictures next week.
Bummer about Connor's homecoming game
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
October 25, 2010
Glad you guys had fun in San Diego this last weekend. So I got my suit (it fits) and the shoes too. Thank you so much! My blue suit was pretty much done. Sweet that Perry beat Skyline! Bummer about the Cards and ASU.
Well I love you all so much! Have a great week!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
October 19, 2010
Thanksgiving was fun - we played football!! Well sorry to make this so short, but I love you all so much and will tell ya lots next Monday!!!!
Love ya,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 12, 2010
About Elder Dana (Elder Moore's second cousin). Haha. Yeah I just saw him today at the mission office. He is serving with Elder Dastrup (Elder Moore's old companion) right now in Airdrie which is just north of Calgary.
Monday, October 4, 2010
October 4, 2010
Conference was amazing. Pres. Uchtdorf's talk on pride was really good and it truly is the "gateway sin". This is very true on a mission. Any time we don't follow a rule it is because we are being prideful and not following the will of the Lord. President Monson's talk in Priesthood session was good as well. Our district got together and watched conference at the stake center. Conference weekend is very chill for us missionaries. It is a nice break in the action.
So last night, H (the lady we were teaching before the area go switched up) got baptized along with her daughter, S. It was so cool to be able to see them enter into the waters.
Bummer about Perry losing. I can't believe Chaparral is that good. Are they 5A-1 or 5A-2? Glad Conzo played well. Tell him to keep bustin' heads out there. ASU stinks...what's new? haha. Same with the Cards. I'm glad I'm not there to see the slaughters. Heard BYU lost to Utah St. That is a sad, sad loss for them.
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
September 27, 2010
We did burn our shirts last Preparation day. I will load up some pictures. Got to hang with Elder Depriest a bit. His comp Elder Shupe, who is our district leader, was in trainings all week so Depriest went on a three leg with us for a couple days. It was a fun week and this next week will be busy busy with lessons and then general conference!!!
I love you guys so much and have a great week!!!! The church is true!!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
September 20, 2010
This week was the mission tour with Elder Claudio D. Zivic from the Seventy. It was awesome and really good. He talked about how to fulfill our purpose as a missionary.
Well, I love you guys and have a great week!
Elder Moore
Thursday, September 23, 2010
September 13, 2010
Things are looking up in the area. On Saturday, the Evergreen ward had a chili cook off. We made chili with the first counselor in the bishopric haha. It was good, but we didn't win haha.
My new comp is Elder Whiting from Mapleton, UT. He is a cool kid and we are having some fun. As a district, we picked a tie and are wearing it everyday of the transfer. I'm already sick of the tie and I really want to wear the new ones I just got haha.
We will be having a massive shirt next preparation day because there are three of us in the district and two more in the zone. We wanted to do it today, but it is raining so we will have to wait until next week. I love you guys so much!!! Have a great week!
Elder Moore
Sunday, September 12, 2010
September 7, 2010
This last week was alright. We went on exchanges and I went with Elder Dallas DePriest to his area. It was great. This next transfer our district is staying the same except for my comp getting moved. Hopefully this week we will pick up some new investigators and get teaching. We have a mission tour coming up and Elder Zivic fro the Seventy is coming.
We are now teaching some less actives one of which has not been to church since he was in his teens and he is now 50. This next week should be awesome. Mom, I'm glad you got to go out with the sister missionaries. haha sisters...they give us some good laughs.
So this last Sunday our district had a musical fireside. Elders Newman and Farnsworth were the main performers and Elder Shupe sang Come Thou Fount and played the guitar. Elders DePriest, Greenwell, and I gave talks. It was a good turn out from our wards. We recorded it, so hopefully I can get a copy. Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
August 30, 2010
This last week we gave some great 7-day challenges. One of the challenges we gave was to one of the ward missionaries we work with. At first their reaction was "Oh, I don't know any nonmembers", etc. They went on for about 5 minutes and then finally told us about a lady they were holding furniture for. The lady is going through a rough time in her life and they were thinking just the other day that she could really use the Gospel in her life! So I will let you know how that turns out. Another challenge we gave to a bishop. They are working with a friend and also their neighbor, so we are praying some teaching opportunities come from it.
Last Sunday was "Missionary Sunday" in the Evergreen ward. Elder Greenwell and I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting and also sang with the choir. I spoke on missionary work and examples of members doing missionary work.
This is the last full week of this transfer. I could either be staying or going. Who knows? I have only been here for 2 transfers, but I have been with Elder Greenwell for both so if I stay I will probably be getting a new companion. This Sunday our district is putting on a Music and the Spoken Word fireside. Elders Newman and Farnsworth (from Mesa) will be singing and the rest of us will be giving talks and what not. We are marketing it really well and are hoping for a good turnout and that members invite their friends to it.
I am glad to hear Aunt Kennedy is doing well and we are still praying for her.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about zone conference...we had it last Thursday and it we had some really great trainings from President and the assistants. At the end of the conference, they showed us a video fro the 90's of the BYU choir singing "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". It was amazing and every one's eyes were wet. The Church is true!
Love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Moore
August 23, 2010
Elder Moore
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
August 16, 2010
Last week we switched things up a little and did lots of service for members and non-members. We helped a member put up drywall and then helped a guy move. Another day we helped a non-member move some rock to his back yard and then we got a call from a member who said his neighbor needed help building his deck for his wedding. We also helped a lady move. It was really fun and we are going to try and stay in contact with these people. We aren't teaching any investigators yet, but we are hoping things will change soon..... we do have a couple less actives that we are teaching now which is good. Well that has pretty much been our week. haha
I love you all!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
August 9,2010
Well same ol' stuff this week for us. Going by members and some potentials just trying to make stuff happen. Over the past week we have got some media referrals and we are hoping those turn into something. Because our area has changed up a little, we have been meeting a lot of cool members in Canyon Creek ward, so that's been fun. I wish I had more to report on actually teaching people, but there is nothing right now. We are having lots of fun with our district. haha There is a set of Mandarin-speaking missionaries in our zone. One is from Provo and the other from Taiwan. We keep pranking each other, messing with each others cars. haha It's fun. Their car is already so messed up. They got caught in a hail storm in northern Calgary and the car was pummeled by golf ball-size hail. It looks like they parked it in the middle of the driving range! haha It's crazy. We are still doing missionary work, don't think we are just all play haha. Well I love you guys so much and miss ya tons! Have a great week!!
Yeah, but she is going to be gone this whole month so it might not happen this month.
Nope. It doesn't get dark here till late, so I'm in bed by the time it is getting dark.
How is Elder DePriest doing? When did he go out? Is he loving his mission?
He is doing great. We are having a blast in our district. Three guys who I came out with are in my district too. It is a lot of fun.
I love you all!!!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
August 3, 2010
Guess who I'm sitting next to? Dallis DePriest! haha He is in my district now. (Ed. note: Elder DePriest went to school with Elder Moore from kindergarten until Elder Moore moved when he was a sophomore in high school.)
So lately we have been getting some crazy thunderstorms with lots of rain. Yesterday we were in the car in the church parking lot and the water came right up to the door of our car ha.
Not much has happened in our area. We have been meeting the members of the new ward we cover. They are awesome and treat us well. We are happy it is August now cause half Kilometer month is over. haha Now we don't have to worry so much and have to get rides from members ha. Well I love you all and have a great week!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
July 27, 2010
Yesterday we got a huge thunderstorm that rolled through and we got a lot of rain and some flash flooding in some places. Nothing affected us, but we played in the rain haha We were with the zone leaders at the was fun haha I will send you pics once they send them.
Well I love you all and have a great week!!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Special Delivery

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
July 19, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
July 12, 2010
Well after some bland weeks, things finally started to pick up and some fun stuff as well! To start off the week, we were just doing the normal stuff... teaching a few members and still trying to get to know some members. Then on Thursday we got a call from the Parkland Elders (my first area) to go on exchanges and teach a lady who lives in Woodbine. So I went with Elder Snell to Parkland and taught an English lady who is way solid and has a huge desire to learn more. We taught her the first half of the first lesson, but we didn't get through all of it because she had to go. We did give her a baptismal date for the 21st of August! Unfortunately, she didn't come to church. We have to teach her the importance of attending her meetings ha. Her daughter might also be interested! In addition, we got a call from a guy who wants to be taught and is the grandson of a lady in Evergreen. The work is really taking off!
On Friday, I got to meet Linda and Clark Eikenberry (hope I spelled that right). I got the package and we visited for a little bit. She showed me pics of Grant by their fish pond ha! I miss that little guy!
On Saturday, there was a Stampede breakfast in Braeside (they have these things all over the city during the Stampede). It is a community in the Evergreen ward and about 1,500 people showed up to it. We helped set it up and take down. During the breakfast we had a special guest show up to flip pancakes and turn sausage. It was the PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA!!!!!! I have pics but I forgot them this week, so I will send some next week. Anyway, he was a way nice guy and it was sweet to see him in person. Right before he left, six of us got to take a picture with him. He was way cool with us. So that was my week! Definitely a lot more going on this week! (Editor's note: Here is a link if you want to take a look at Stephen Harper, the PM, serving breakfast...
I love you all!!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
July 5, 2010
How are things? Missed an email from you guys! (Editor's note: His dorky parents keep forgetting his P-day is now on Monday. But we caught him online and sent him an email. Guilt guilt!) haha its all good you are probably still at the ranch.
Well this week was alright for us. We are still trying to get to know the members and the area. We can see the member trust starting to rise and get better, but we still haven't been able to teach anyone. We are waiting for some one to be handed over to us so we can teach her and get her fellowshipped in our area. We also have a couple of potentials that we might be able to get hold of and teach. So those are some of the things that we are hoping for. For Canada day there was a stake thing and it was really fun, lots of people were there and it was a good time. For the 4th we didn't do a thing..... but, oh well, haha. Well I have to run. I love you guys so much!!! Have a great week!
Elder Moore
June 28, 2010
Hows it going everyone? This week for me was alright, we are still working on meeting all of the members in both wards and setting up lessons with them. We had a few appointments this week with some members that went pretty good. There are some potential investigators that we have been stopping by as well, but to no avail... once we get to know the members we will try and get them to start doing missionary work! It will take some work on our part to get them really missionary-minded. That basically has been our week, not too much going on. I love you all!!
How is the investigator doing that committed to baptism? How exciting?
Well the appointment that we had last week to go on exchanges fell through, so we are waiting for another appointment, then we can get her taught and fellowshipped in our area!
Where are you living?
We are living with the McCollums in their basement. They are way nice people.
Do you have a car?
yep we do. Our area is pretty big, about three times the size of my area in Lethbridge. We will be walking a lot in July, because it is half k month.
What kind of service projects are you doing?
We go do service at a community center every Friday. We just help out with things like mowing the lawn and other random stuff. This last Saturday we helped a member move.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 21, 2010
I am now in the Foothills zone, covering the Woodbine and Evergreen wards. We purged in the area so we had to really start fresh and plus the previous elders didn't really leave us with much info or investigators to work with. Elder Greenwell and I are working hard to get to know the members of both wards. E. Greenwell is from West Point, UT ansd has been out 16 months. He is a nice kid and a hard worker. We have a lot of stuff to do in this area and it will keep us busy for awhile. This Tuesday we are going to go on exchanges and I'm going back to my first area in Parkland to teach a lady who apparently already has a baptismal date. But here's the deal, she lives in our area, so we are going to slowly move her and get her fellowshipped into one of the wards. (I'm not sure which one she belongs to.) This is exciting for us. That was my week...just trying to get adjusted to the new area and new companion.
I do miss Lethbridge a lot...the members were awesome and so were the Owens. I'm still trying to adjust not being there. I haven't seen Elder Dana yet. I will let you know when I see him.
Things you can send with the Eikenberry's when they come up: a bean and cheese burro enchilada style from Gecko Grill, snickerdoodles, and a newspaper (kidding!), and some Chalula hot sauce. When are they coming up?
Well that's it for now and don't forget my P-day is Monday now.
I love you all and miss you tons!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
June 15, 2010
Soo guess what? I'm getting transferred back to Calgary in the Foothills Zone in the Woodbine and Evergreen wards. Elder Nelson, my last comp in Parkland, had served there before he served with me, and he had nothing but good things to say about it. So I'm stoked about that.
How are things going this week? Long week, but not in a bad way at all. The week before transfers always is long. This week was really good and we taught a few non-members! This last Sunday we taught Bro XXXXX's sister in-law again. We were going to teach her about the plan of salvation, but instead we taught her about the importance of baptism and also answered questions on the BOM. She still has a ways to go. We also taught some people who used to be members; but they were kind of "forced" into the church and they took their names off the records. It won't count as a convert baptism for us but it's all good. Last night, we taught a kid who just turned 20. He has a lot of questions and I think he will progress, but because he is 20 he is YSA and will be taught by those elders.
That's cool that Casey, Erik and Zach came over. Yeah, I do have a cushy mission haha Just this last Saturday night a member gave us a ride home in his father-in-law's car, a Lexus Ls 460. This car was amazing! It had recliners in the back seats and a back massage in the back left seat haha It is 100 grand plus car. It was pretty cool.
Congrats on your 23rd anniversary Mom and Dad! We are having a tie trade today. I'll tell ya whatI got next week ha.
Well, I love you all and miss you. Have a great week!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
June 9, 2010
Last week we taught 20 lessons and we also taught a non member! haha Finally!! We taught her on Sunday and have another lesson this Sunday. All of our other lessons were with members. The work is ready to go crazy here, it is just a matter of being patient now.... Transfers are this next week, so emails are going to be on Tuesday. We went to the Temple today and it was awesome, the Cardston Temple is much symbolism. It's really interesting. Sorry I have to make this one short. I love you all and miss ya tons!!
Elder Moore
June 2, 2010
We have so many people that are so close to being taught, and hopefully we will be teaching some peps this next week! Yesterday we went on exchanges and I went with Elder Bond who is a Spanish elder. It was cool to get a change of scenery and meet some of the Spanish people even though I didn't understand a thing. It made me wish that I had learned it haha! Next week, hopefully, we have some people we are teaching!!!
I love you all and miss you tons!
Q: Elder Owens said that you got your package. Was that the birthday present or the envelope with the Beehive News?
Q: If it is your birthday present, did you like it?
A: haha i loved it!!!
Q: What was your favorite present in the box?
Q: Did you look at the Beehive News and see the pics of Casey, Matt, and the Owens? What a coincidence!
A: It's pretty sick
Q: Tell me about the limo ride. Who were the members? Why were they in a limo in the middle of the day?
A: The limo ride was sweet it was like an hour before we saw Elder Owens. The driver was a member and there were some members of 12th in there. It was sweet they gave us a ride.
Q: Are you going to go through withdrawals when they transfer you out of there?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Birthday and Zone Conference
Editor's Note: Thank you to Elder and Sis. Owens for these pics.
May 26, 2010
Well this last week flew, even though nothing really happened haha. Last Wednesday night I woke up with a bad stomach pain then a half hour later I puked.... a lot.. so I knew that I was in for a fun time the next day ha. The next morning was interviews and we still had to clean our car and vacuum it out. That was not too much fun while feeling like I was going to upchuck, so I did make it through interviews... barely. Then we went to the church to do some weekly planning, but it was not working for me. So for the rest of the day we went on splits with other missionaries and I stayed with another sick elder. Thankfully, by Friday I was doing a little better. We had Zone Conference, so it was good that I was just sitting all day. For lunch at Zone Conference, a sister from 12th ward made Cafe Rio pork salads/burritos. At first I wasn't too sure if I could eat it, but I did anyway and didn't care about what the consequence would be haha. I think some one was watching out for me, cause nothing happened and Ii actually felt better after!
In regards to teaching this last week it was a little slow. Probably our best day was last Thursday cause we had an appt. with a part member family, a less active, and some other members. Unfortuantely, I was sick and couldn't go. We had some other lessons with some members this week too, but investigator-wise nothing is happening yet. There are some part member families that are soooo close. I guess we will see what happens in the next little bit. The members here are awesome and they treat us very well and are a lot of fun.
Did you get the envelope I sent to you?
Did you get your birthday package yet?
Did you have a nice birthday?
Did anyone make you something special for your birthday?
Yes Sister Pitcher made Snickerdoodles!!! It was awesome having some fresh ones made! She is the head baker at the Cheesecake Cafe (same as the Cheesecake Factory) so she is a really good cook.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
May 19, 2010
Well I just hit 8 months last Sunday!!! Time flies when you are working hard trying to get investigators! This last week was pretty slow for us. Not much teaching going on, but hopefully we will soon. We have a lot of hopeful things happening like part member families that are really close to taking the lessons. One family the Mom is the only member, but not the kids or the dad. And he is not why they aren't members. It's the grandma that is holding everything up..... she is very faithful Catholic. The kids go to seminary, church and Young Men's...the whole 9 yards. They even pay tithing, but hopefully soon we can teach and baptize them because they want it. There are some other part member families that we will be teaching soon. We have also been teaching some less actives lately and working with them is pretty cool too. It's awesome to see them get back into the swing of things and start going to church and getting their testimony back in line.
Well I love you all, miss you tons!!
(Questions from the Editor)
Nope, mail comes Thursday or Friday, not sure which day.
2. Are you still teaching your investigator? How is that going?
Yes and no, we haven't seen him in a few weeks cause the member that is our contact with him is in the Bahamas haha
3. What happened to the 13 year-old that you taught?
Her parents said no more we don't teach her anymore, which stinks because she was interested.
Ya. Sis. Owens told me about it some yesterday and I feel bad for the missionaries there right now. I try not to think about it too much though, because we do hear a lot of negative things about what's going on. Also, I am glad I'm not there to watch the D backs stink up the field haha.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
May 12, 2010
Well this week was an excellent week! Last Wednesday was transfers and I'm staying in my area at least for another 6 weeks. I'm happy about that. This area I'm in is awesome! The members are sweet and great things are going to happen this transfer! Teaching this last week was a little slow. We taught some members and gave a 7-day challenge to the Elders' Quorum Prez in 12th Ward and he is really ready to roll with it. Also we gave a lot of service to members. On Saturday Morning we helped a guy move till about 12 and the from there we went and helped a less active move a fridge out of the basement. Then we helped clean up their yard.... it was pretty bad. We didn't get in our suits till about 5:30pm. ha It was nice. Then Sunday, of course, I talked to you guys on the phone! I loved talking to you guys! That was basically our week. The past few days we have just been going by some members and less actives setting up appointments with them.
To answer some of your questions Bro. Troy Leavitt is awesome. He is a way cool guy and is a solid member missionary. The best meal I have had here is probably steak from Bro. Telfer and then from Bro. Zealand Leavitt, they are a tie. The steaks were amazing. Also, I almost forgot about the Rice's, they fed us crab legs and steak and that was way good. Well I love you all and miss ya tons!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 4, 2010
Hey all! It's transfer week and looks like I'm staying in Lethbridge with Elder Dastrup for at least another 6 weeks. Well things slowed this week. We taught member lessons and gave a 7-day challenge yesterday to the Fletchers (get this Bro Brandon Fletcher served in the UT Ogden mission and served at the same time as Andy) and on Sunday we taught Mr. X again and all he wanted to do was bash with us. We couldn't get two words in, he just kept talking... we might meet with him again, but who knows.
So yeah, another transfer come and gone... time flies. This next transfer will be good and I'm looking forward to it, cause the members are getting missionary minded. I'm stoked.
So get this, we go to the Library this morning and it was closed... so we are at the Owens this morning emailing.. ha well I love you all and will talk to you Sunday!
Elder Moore
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Nice Letter About Elder Moore - May 1, 2010
Here is the letter...
Moore Family:
My name is Brother Tim Rollingson and I'm the ward mission leader of Heritage Ward in Lethbridge, Alberta where your son is currently serving. We are so pleased to have Elder Moore among us. The work in our area is visibly progressing as a direct result of the work of your son and his companion, Elder Dastrup. He is an effective missionary and I personally appreciate his willingness to obey and work hard, magnifying his calling. He looks well and our members are getting behind him (and feeding him). Thanks for sending us such a worthy servant of the Lord.
With All Sincerity,
Thursday, April 29, 2010
April 28, 2010
The first lesson on Monday was with a lady, and we again taught her at Troy's house and it went well. We taught her the second lesson and she even got a little emotional about talking about past experiences with religion but she is not by any means against it. The second person we taught on Monday was a guy who is an interesting fellow.. he has been through a lot in his life, some of it really crazy. We tried to get a Baptismal date and he also said no, but we got him thinking about it! The only unfortunate thing is that not one of these people live in our area so we had to hand them over to other missionaries, but as long as they are being taught I'm OK with it.
So what else happened this week?.... oh ya, we helped out lot with service this last week. We helped a couple people move and some others clean up stuff and take it to the dump. On Saturday, we didn't get in our suits till about 7:30 that night cause we where just constantly helping people with stuff, it was a lot of fun... because I didn't get into a tie all day!
So that's about been our week, today we went to the temple as a zone and it was fun. The Hamilton's from Heritage ward took us, that's why I'm emailing later in the day. The weather here sucks right now because it's raining/wet snow. It is not fun to be in and it's going to get worse over the next couple days... but it should warm up next week. Well I love you all and miss ya tons!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
New Church Building for Lethbridge 4/22/2010
Today was a historic day for Lethbridge. The West Stake had a groundbreaking ceremony. The Full Time Missionaries in the West Stake jumped in for a "photo op". Wow! Everyone's cameras went clicking! I think we were a nice sight to behold, don't you? So parents of the missionaries, please forward this back to them so they can see how they looked on their next P-Day. After all, this is why we are here ... to get more converts so even more chapels can be built. This has been a long time coming. Right after these photos were taken, the Lethbridge wind kicked in. Everyone scattered fast to their cars. Ohhhhh, sooooo much fun being missionaries !!!!
Elder Lanny D. Owens

April 21, 2010
Another week has come and gone and now I have been out seven months! haha Time flies.
This week was a good cause we picked up two new investigators! The one I talked about teaching last Wednesday night...Well, we taught her and it went well, the spirit was strong and she felt it. She got a lot of her questions answered that night, so being obedient, we gave her a firm Baptismal commitment and she accepted! We were stoked about that, but she canceled our appointment for Friday. She told her friend that she thought things were moving way too fast and just wanted to get some questions answered. We aren't too sure about her at the moment. The other investigator that we picked up is thirteen and really wants to learn more. The lesson went really well and she came to church with her friend who is fellowshipping her. Unfortunately, her mom won't let her progress to baptism, but we are going to see what happens with that this Saturday.
Yeah, so the weather this week is a complete opposite from last week.. went from heavy snow to 77F. haha It's beautiful outside right now. Today we are going to go play soccer and Frisbee, and maybe go hit some balls at the driving range if we have time. We might do that next week ha.
Last night we went to the Hamilton's for a visit and they are huge Suns fans. They kept us posted on the game and when we got home we had four phone calls from members telling me that the Suns won! I love the members in these wards. They are sick. Next week we are going to the temple, so I won't be on till like 3 or 4.
Well I love you all and miss ya tons!
Mothers Day is Coming !!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pics of Hayden
Thursday, April 15, 2010
April 14, 2010
Well another week has come and gone and guess what?! We just got a ton of snow last night and this morning! ha! It stinks because it is heavy, wet snow and is not fun to shovel. There is so much of it! It's not snowing anymore, but it's kinda raining, and it is very wet and slushy. Not fun to walk in. Well, this last week has been good and it went by really fast. Probably because we are keeping ourselves so busy with member lessons. We are really working hard with the members to find someone for us to teach and it's paying off for us. Tonight we will be teaching a friend of a girl in Heritage ward. We did a 7-day challenge with them. That is were we commit them to find someone for us in 7 days. It works really well and it's a great way to find people. Things are great here in Lethbridge and I'm having fun. Just not liking the snow thing. Oh yeah, and last night we got a flat tire. Our car is just sitting in front of the Owens' place till we get over there and get it fixed. It won't be fun but oh well. ha!
Well I love you all so much and miss ya tons!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
April 7, 2010
Lately, a typical day consists of us trying to go around to all the members in both wards and trying to get to know them, and then setting up appointments to teach a lesson to them. By doing this we get to know the members and also gain their trust for us to teach one of their friends! We are trying to get 20 lessons a week and last week we had 15, so we are getting close. Also, we have a car Mon-Thurs and we walk Fri-Sun. Walking is not bad because the area is a lot smaller than my last one and it's also warmer now!! But it is constantly windy here like almost knock you over wind ha. Well I love you all! Miss you tons!!
March 31, 2010
March 22, 2010
Hey Everyone! Well this week flew by! Nothing has happened in regards to work, that is moving along slowly... Transfers are already here and I am staying in Lethbridge and my new comp is Elder Dastrup. I don't know much about him. I guess I will have more info next week!
Yeah, so the suit pants that go with my navy blue suit, well, um, one pair ripped on a hymn book... Yeah, i was walking by and it caught and ripped. Well I'm going to make this one kind of short cause today. I'm kinda pressed for time. I love you all and miss ya!!
Did you have a good week?
of course :)
Tell me what your typical day is like in Lethbridge.
I'll take a video.
Do you see the Owens everyday?
Pretty much they live in our area so that's why we go and work out in the mornings.
Are you going to a member's house for Easter?
Probably, I don't know who though.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
March 17, 2010
What's your companion's name again?
Elder Caldwell from Gunnison UT and has been out about 9 months
Yep I saw him at transfers back in February and Saturday during the visit. It was cool, because the whole mission came down for it.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Kind Words About Elder Moore
He's doing a lot better with his morning exercises at our home. I still have to "crack the whip". Oh, the look in their eyes! Yet, they still keep coming for more.