My Last Email as a Missionary......
Just a quick note on our area and what happened this week. This was a week of me saying good bye and getting ready to head out. Yesterday we found out that Elder Hansen is getting transferred to BC, so it will be a brand new set of missionaries in this area. He and some of the members are kind of bummed that both of us are gone.
Man, this last week went by soooo fast!!! My mission went by sooo fast!!!
This Church is TRUE!!!! Over the course of these two years, I have had experiences to where I cannot deny the truthfulness of this Gospel. I will miss this work. I will miss the special spirit that a Mission brings. Just recently, teaching S, J, and O, I have come to fully realize that the Gospel works miracles in peoples' lives and that the light and direction that it brings is truly amazing. Another truth that has been close to my heart is that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and it the best gift that has been given to us in our lives. We as a mission have been studying the Atonement and have been putting a focus on it in our studies and man you can go on forever learning about the Atonement and trying to understand the full measure that it can have in our lives. Did I say that a mission is AMAZING?? Because it is! This is what I needed and it is what every worthy and able young man needs to do! It helped me grow in ways that would not have happened unless I went on a mission. I know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God and the fullness of the everlasting Gospel was restored through him. I know that Thomas S. Monson is who leads and guides this Church today. I am so excited for General Conference, as as a missionary you gain a love for hearing the messages they share with us and I am looking forward to what will be said on the next couple weeks. Well this is my final send off! I love you all and thank you so much for all the support and love that you have given me over these two years. I will be seeing you Thursday!!!!!!!
Elder Hayden Moore
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
September 12, 2011
What a week!! Over the weekend we had three baptisms! On Friday S and her son got baptized and then XXXX went into the water on Saturday. The confirmations took place on Sunday and they went great. XXXX became a priest right after church, so that will be good for him to be able to get involved in the ward. It was a busy week leading up to the baptisms...making sure that we taught them all the lessons and getting it all organized and ready. And that was pretty much our week. The baptisms seemed to take up most of our time.
It's crazy that it has come down to my last week as a missionary...and it will be a good week. With the baptisms we have no one left in our teaching pool, so this week we are going to try and find some more people for Elder Hansen to teach next transfer.
Well because we went golfing today, I don't have much time left on the computer. I love you all so much and I will see you in 10 days!
Elder Moore
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
September 6, 2011
Man you guys are TRUNKY!!! hah
Well, we had a busy week teaching and getting our investigators ready for baptism this Friday and Saturday. The baptism on Friday is going to be S and her son J, and on Saturday its going to be XXXX ( I will send pics).
We just started teaching J on Saturday with his Mom. He
is just 14 and is a way smart kid. Things are going well in this area, but we
need to find more people to teach because once they are baptized our teaching
pool is going to be zero. ha. Teaching S&J has been such an amazing
experience. They are going through some rough times and they can already see the
Gospel blessing their lives, and giving them comfort and direction. The Church is
We as a mission have not really done much tracting by contacting people on the street, but we are trying to get out of this
bad habit that we have gotten into with not talking to everyone. That is
something that the mission is pushing lately. Not tracting per se, but making
sure that we are talking to everyone. Also this last week we had a specialized
training on the second lesson on how we can teach it better. It was a great
training, but the trunky part was that they had the three of us that are going home
in a couple weeks stand and bear our testimonies. It has not
really hit me yet that I am coming home in a couple weeks.... I guess it will at
some point, so it felt weird. This is a great work and I will be sad to leave it!! My companion is
keeping me in line ha and I'm trying not to "trunk" him out too bad. He has about
10 months left. Things are going great! The weather is amazing and so is the
I love you all and miss you and we'll be seeing you in a couple weeks!!!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
August 29, 2011
What a week! Two dates set for September 10th!! On Wednesday we set a date with XXXX, Finally!! We went over the Doctrine of Christ with him (he had heard it a few times before). But this time, when we started to read it, he said "oh yeah, I have heard this before. I know I need to do this". Then we whipped out a calender that Elder Hansen brought along and Elder Hansen said, "write in on September 10th that this is your baptism". It was an awesome lesson and it will be an awesome baptism. XXXX and his wife are great and they will be even greater when he is baptized.
So for the past few weeks a non-member, XXXXX has been coming to church and it had been impossible to set up a lesson with her. But Saturday we got a call and she invited us over for dinner. We had a great time and got to know her and her family a little bit better. Well we taught the first lesson with her yesterday at church. It was amazing! Right off the bat she started to get emotional and she accepted the date of September 10th! She has a son and a friend who want to be taught the first lesson as well, so we are going to teach them tonight. By tonight we should have two more dates set!! SO many miracles happening in our area. The Lord seems to be pouring out his blessings upon us all!!
I ate bolut this week again haha. Do you remember the duck egg? Yeah, it was nasty. I have some pics and maybe video that I can send.
This week was awesome. This will be a good way to end things. I am trying to stay as focused as I can be right now. At times it can be hard, but I can do it. It's only a few more weeks. I love you all so much!! Have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
August 22, 2011
Another week come and gone.
For us this week was just another week of missionary work. That's not a bad thing, it's a great thing! But it was just the norm of having some appointments cancel on you and others going through. Those were awesome! Also, this week we had an awesome hail storm (I will send pics).
On Friday, we had a training from President Archibald on the third lesson in Preach My Gospel. It was a really good training on how we can teach it better and more simply for people to understand and what they need to do progress towards baptism. We also got a portable DVD player for training purposes in our companionship study. It's weird having one, because for so long if you had one of those you would get in trouble. But now they gave them to us! We can only watch Church stamped movies and the Preach My Gospel DVDs. Tomorrow, we have a Mission Tour with Elder Baxter from the First Quorum of the Seventy. They are always awesome because the Spirit and the direction that we receive from it is top notch. I will tell you about it next week.
Investigator-wise this week, we met with XXXX and YYYY, our two most promising investigators. XXXX is awesome. He knows it's true and knows that he needs to be baptized, but just does not have a date yet. We are really working on that. With YYYY, it's a little more work. He needs to read and pray. The next time we meet with YYYY, we are going to eat bulot (the Duck egg from my first area). Elder Hansen has not tried it yet, so he is in for a real treat. Well that's all folks! Love and have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Another week come and gone.
For us this week was just another week of missionary work. That's not a bad thing, it's a great thing! But it was just the norm of having some appointments cancel on you and others going through. Those were awesome! Also, this week we had an awesome hail storm (I will send pics).
On Friday, we had a training from President Archibald on the third lesson in Preach My Gospel. It was a really good training on how we can teach it better and more simply for people to understand and what they need to do progress towards baptism. We also got a portable DVD player for training purposes in our companionship study. It's weird having one, because for so long if you had one of those you would get in trouble. But now they gave them to us! We can only watch Church stamped movies and the Preach My Gospel DVDs. Tomorrow, we have a Mission Tour with Elder Baxter from the First Quorum of the Seventy. They are always awesome because the Spirit and the direction that we receive from it is top notch. I will tell you about it next week.
Investigator-wise this week, we met with XXXX and YYYY, our two most promising investigators. XXXX is awesome. He knows it's true and knows that he needs to be baptized, but just does not have a date yet. We are really working on that. With YYYY, it's a little more work. He needs to read and pray. The next time we meet with YYYY, we are going to eat bulot (the Duck egg from my first area). Elder Hansen has not tried it yet, so he is in for a real treat. Well that's all folks! Love and have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Monday, August 15, 2011
August 15, 2011
Things are going well, this week went by really fast! We had some good lessons with our investigators OO and JJ. With OO we are so close to setting a baptismal date. He knows it's true but needs to take the step of faith and get baptized. He is way solid and going over there is a lot of fun. It makes our week, for sure. With JJ, he is not reading right now, but is coming to church, which is good. But he also needs to take that step of faith, it's almost as if he might not want to have to deal with all the commitment that comes along with joining.
We have a Mission Tour coming up next week and Elder Baxter from the Seventy is coming to the Mission to make sure we are all in line haha. It will be fun. We also have a specialized training this week on the third lesson. We have improved our teaching in this mission so much.
Elder Hansen and I are doing great, I'm trying not to make him to trunky in "Killing me off". He is doing good though no worries.
I don't have my camera this week.....sorry. but I will send off some pics next week. I love you all and have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
Things are going well, this week went by really fast! We had some good lessons with our investigators OO and JJ. With OO we are so close to setting a baptismal date. He knows it's true but needs to take the step of faith and get baptized. He is way solid and going over there is a lot of fun. It makes our week, for sure. With JJ, he is not reading right now, but is coming to church, which is good. But he also needs to take that step of faith, it's almost as if he might not want to have to deal with all the commitment that comes along with joining.
We have a Mission Tour coming up next week and Elder Baxter from the Seventy is coming to the Mission to make sure we are all in line haha. It will be fun. We also have a specialized training this week on the third lesson. We have improved our teaching in this mission so much.
Elder Hansen and I are doing great, I'm trying not to make him to trunky in "Killing me off". He is doing good though no worries.
I don't have my camera this week.....sorry. but I will send off some pics next week. I love you all and have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
August 9, 2011
Looks like I'm sticking around for my last transfer and Elder Hansen is going to kill me off haha. That poor guy. It will be a good transfer and I'm excited to have this be my last area.
Well we had a decent week and we made some awesome progress with our investigator Oxxxx. He knows its true and he knows he needs to be baptized. The lesson that we taught him was definitely an inspired lesson. In our previous lesson we walked out of it feeling like we need to go over the baptismal interview questions and we did for this lesson and it was awesome. He will hopefully be in the waters in the next couple weeks. We had a great opportunity this week to be in the circle for the baby blessing of Josel's daughter. As for our other investigators, we have not been able to meet with XXX.
Well I love you guys so much and I will see you in 6 weeks!!!
Elder Moore
Looks like I'm sticking around for my last transfer and Elder Hansen is going to kill me off haha. That poor guy. It will be a good transfer and I'm excited to have this be my last area.
Well we had a decent week and we made some awesome progress with our investigator Oxxxx. He knows its true and he knows he needs to be baptized. The lesson that we taught him was definitely an inspired lesson. In our previous lesson we walked out of it feeling like we need to go over the baptismal interview questions and we did for this lesson and it was awesome. He will hopefully be in the waters in the next couple weeks. We had a great opportunity this week to be in the circle for the baby blessing of Josel's daughter. As for our other investigators, we have not been able to meet with XXX.
Well I love you guys so much and I will see you in 6 weeks!!!
Elder Moore
August 2, 2011
Howdy y'all
Well another week come and gone and pretty much a transfer come and gone, and it's crazy how fast it has gone. We had a good week, the unfortunate part is that most of our investigators were either out of town or they just flaked out of their appointments. On the plus side the weather has been really nice and is supposed to be be nice for the next week.
So yesterday we got to go to the Calgary tower and we had lunch to the restaurant up there and it spins like the Compass room and the food was bomb. I will send pictures next week. I have to run I love you all so much and hope you have a wonderful week!!
Elder Moore
Well another week come and gone and pretty much a transfer come and gone, and it's crazy how fast it has gone. We had a good week, the unfortunate part is that most of our investigators were either out of town or they just flaked out of their appointments. On the plus side the weather has been really nice and is supposed to be be nice for the next week.
So yesterday we got to go to the Calgary tower and we had lunch to the restaurant up there and it spins like the Compass room and the food was bomb. I will send pictures next week. I have to run I love you all so much and hope you have a wonderful week!!
Elder Moore
Monday, August 1, 2011
July 25, 2011
We had a good week! We picked up a new investigator named XXXX from Ethiopia. He is way solid, wants to be baptized, and has a willingness to learn and read and come to church. Things are good here and work is happening. Besides teaching XXXX it was kind of a slow week and we kinda hope this week turns out the miracles. Dan was a miracle for sure and it will be sweet to work with him.
The weather this last week turned cold and rainy. Today is supposed to be alright but not that great. I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
We had a good week! We picked up a new investigator named XXXX from Ethiopia. He is way solid, wants to be baptized, and has a willingness to learn and read and come to church. Things are good here and work is happening. Besides teaching XXXX it was kind of a slow week and we kinda hope this week turns out the miracles. Dan was a miracle for sure and it will be sweet to work with him.
The weather this last week turned cold and rainy. Today is supposed to be alright but not that great. I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
July 18, 2011
22 months!!! Crazy how time flies!! We had a good week! Stampede is over and Calgary is now going back to normal life. We meet with a few of our gators this week and we also have a few that are struggling. Downtown this past week was a little nuts because it was stampede. The actual Stampede grounds were in my area this year, so it was busy all week down here. We were not allowed to go to the Stampede, but we did go to the Stampede breakfasts and BBQ's around our area.
Investigator-wise, we had a good and bad week. We had a couple drop lessons and also we have one going off the deep end. XXXX is the one going off the deep end. She is the one who had set her own baptismal date for the 28th of June, but didn't stop smoking. She was still reading and doing fine, then she went MIA again and we have not been able to get a hold of her at all. On a lighter side of things we do have a couple investigators XXXX and XXXX who are awesome, but they need to exercise their faith a little bit.
We had interviews this week and they were awesome, this is my last interview with President Archibald until I have my departing interview with him. Again, crazy how time flies. He told me it will be over before I know and I need to act like it,s not going to happen till it happens.
Today for Pday we went and golfed 18 at a really nice course owned by members. They let us go for free! Clubs, carts and balls all for free, it was one of the best Pdays on the mission. I will attach some pics with this email.
Well I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
Monday, July 11, 2011
July 11, 2011
Stampede is here but we aren't allowed to go. That's actually a good thing because people are getting crazy downtown. ha Our apartment is a prime location for drunks walking by, so we see some funny people singing songs and yelling at each other. The area is doing great, but we only met with a few investigators and some of them are dropping appointments; which is a bummer. We have not been able to meet with our other investigator over the past couple weeks because she has gone M.I.A. on us. She is not answering her phone or her door. Bro. XXXXXX is doing well. He is reading and praying but we feel that he is not questioning honestly to find the right answer.
I will send pics next week. I have to run but I love you all so much!!!
Elder Moore
Stampede is here but we aren't allowed to go. That's actually a good thing because people are getting crazy downtown. ha Our apartment is a prime location for drunks walking by, so we see some funny people singing songs and yelling at each other. The area is doing great, but we only met with a few investigators and some of them are dropping appointments; which is a bummer. We have not been able to meet with our other investigator over the past couple weeks because she has gone M.I.A. on us. She is not answering her phone or her door. Bro. XXXXXX is doing well. He is reading and praying but we feel that he is not questioning honestly to find the right answer.
I will send pics next week. I have to run but I love you all so much!!!
Elder Moore
Monday, July 4, 2011
July 4, 2011
HAPPY 4TH!!!!!
We have a lot going on here in 5th and Wildwood wards and its awesome! We will have them hitting the water this month (missionary slang for being baptized). We met with an investigator yesterday and we are trying to get him on the ball for reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. We taught him the importance of doing so yesterday and we are calling tonight to see how it went. We had the XXXX kids come to church yesterday. The mom couldn't make it but our Ward Mission Leader picked them up yesterday and they had a great time. We have had trouble meeting with some of our investigators this last week, but we still met with a five of them. We are lucky in this area, we get a ton of referrals from the mission office. Many of them turn out to be nothing, but some of them we are teaching now, it's sweet.
So I have a new companion and his name is Elder Hansen from Fresno, CA. He has been out for about a year. He is a lot of fun and he might be my last comp. I am happy about that. For Canada Day we went and walked around downtown, checked out the festivities and talked to people. It was a fun day. For the 4th we are having a zone BBQ and will be kicking it and having fun!! (I will send pics). It is Half Kilometer month, so we are going to be walking a ton...we already have. It's fun.
Tell everyone I love them lots and I miss you all!! See ya in 2 1/2 months!!!
Elder Moore
P.S That's a pic of the Calgary skyline and the other pic is of my previous companion, Elder Kuettel and me.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
June 28, 2011
Another transfer... and I'm getting a new comp. His name is Elder Hansen from Fresno, Cali and he has been out for a year. Good chance this is my last comp so I hope it turns out good ha. We had an interesting week. Our investigator, who had a date for what was supposed to be today, didn't quit smoking. She says she wants to wait awhile before she gets into the water. We are bummed but it's all good. We had a good lesson with her yesterday and she still wants to move forward so that was good news. We are teaching a lot of people right now, but the frustrating thing is that none of them are progressing. It's hard when that happens, but we have a few positve things with some of them.
The weather is finally warming up and the rain is gone for now. I have to run but I love you all so much. Have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Another transfer... and I'm getting a new comp. His name is Elder Hansen from Fresno, Cali and he has been out for a year. Good chance this is my last comp so I hope it turns out good ha. We had an interesting week. Our investigator, who had a date for what was supposed to be today, didn't quit smoking. She says she wants to wait awhile before she gets into the water. We are bummed but it's all good. We had a good lesson with her yesterday and she still wants to move forward so that was good news. We are teaching a lot of people right now, but the frustrating thing is that none of them are progressing. It's hard when that happens, but we have a few positve things with some of them.
The weather is finally warming up and the rain is gone for now. I have to run but I love you all so much. Have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
June 20, 2011
We had a awesome week, besides the weather because that has really not been great lately. It has been raining and gloomy over the past week....kinda depressing really. Please AZ take some of this rain.
We have been really busy teaching this week, we had a few lessons drop through, but we had an awesome miracle with our investigator, XXXXX. Over the past few weeks she has been moving backwards and her desire was very low. We had an appointment with her on Wednesday. So we went in there hoping get her desire back so she can start progressing again. So we came into this lesson with that mind set and we wanted to read the Doctrine of Christ with her. As we did she accepted it very well and we asked her "based on what we read, what do you need to do?" She said that she needed to be baptized! We set the date of July 16, feeling that she needed time to progress and get things rolling. She said that she thought she would be baptized on the 28th, and we asked which month? And she said this month!! She said that she is quitting smoking on the 21st, so tonight we are taking all of her smoking stuff and getting rid of it. She is going above and beyond on her commitments. It's been an awesome experience.
I love you all and have a great week!!
Elder Moore
We had a awesome week, besides the weather because that has really not been great lately. It has been raining and gloomy over the past week....kinda depressing really. Please AZ take some of this rain.
We have been really busy teaching this week, we had a few lessons drop through, but we had an awesome miracle with our investigator, XXXXX. Over the past few weeks she has been moving backwards and her desire was very low. We had an appointment with her on Wednesday. So we went in there hoping get her desire back so she can start progressing again. So we came into this lesson with that mind set and we wanted to read the Doctrine of Christ with her. As we did she accepted it very well and we asked her "based on what we read, what do you need to do?" She said that she needed to be baptized! We set the date of July 16, feeling that she needed time to progress and get things rolling. She said that she thought she would be baptized on the 28th, and we asked which month? And she said this month!! She said that she is quitting smoking on the 21st, so tonight we are taking all of her smoking stuff and getting rid of it. She is going above and beyond on her commitments. It's been an awesome experience.
I love you all and have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Monday, June 13, 2011
June 13, 2011
It was a busy, busy week! We picked up two new investigators this week and we hope we can get another. We had a good week teaching our investigators and some had some interesting stuff happen as well. During one of our lessons we had the investigator say the closing prayer and while he was saying it (which took about 10 minutes) he tried to speak in tongues.... it was weird. This area is awesome and fun because we are downtown. It is great being able to street contact people and walk in the city. The work here is amazing and we are seeing miracles. I can't believe how the work is taking off. We are teaching seven different people right now and we are hoping to set baptism dates with them this next week.
The weather is up and down here. It will be nice one day, then cold and rainy the next couple. It's kind of bummer summer weather. Oh well!
I love you all so much!!
Elder Moore
It was a busy, busy week! We picked up two new investigators this week and we hope we can get another. We had a good week teaching our investigators and some had some interesting stuff happen as well. During one of our lessons we had the investigator say the closing prayer and while he was saying it (which took about 10 minutes) he tried to speak in tongues.... it was weird. This area is awesome and fun because we are downtown. It is great being able to street contact people and walk in the city. The work here is amazing and we are seeing miracles. I can't believe how the work is taking off. We are teaching seven different people right now and we are hoping to set baptism dates with them this next week.
The weather is up and down here. It will be nice one day, then cold and rainy the next couple. It's kind of bummer summer weather. Oh well!
I love you all so much!!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
June 6, 2011
Wet weather does not stop here in Calgary! We did pick up a couple new gators this week! We had an awesome miracle on exchanges where Elders Hepworth and Kuettel met a member and his friend. They taught him and set a date for the 18th, but he did not come to church so the 18th is no more. We have a lesson with him on Tuesday. We also taught a former investigator named XXXX and he is ready to be baptized. He has a testimony - he knows the book is true and the Joesph Smith is a prophet. But he won't be baptized without his wife, who does not have a desire to be baptized. We taught the Doctrine of Christ and explained the importance of being baptized now and tried to set a date, but he said no. We told him to pray about it.
Things are going well Elder Kuettel and I are having a blast and we are seeing tons of miracles! I love you all and have a great week!
Elder Moore
Wet weather does not stop here in Calgary! We did pick up a couple new gators this week! We had an awesome miracle on exchanges where Elders Hepworth and Kuettel met a member and his friend. They taught him and set a date for the 18th, but he did not come to church so the 18th is no more. We have a lesson with him on Tuesday. We also taught a former investigator named XXXX and he is ready to be baptized. He has a testimony - he knows the book is true and the Joesph Smith is a prophet. But he won't be baptized without his wife, who does not have a desire to be baptized. We taught the Doctrine of Christ and explained the importance of being baptized now and tried to set a date, but he said no. We told him to pray about it.
Things are going well Elder Kuettel and I are having a blast and we are seeing tons of miracles! I love you all and have a great week!
Elder Moore
Monday, May 30, 2011
May 30, 2011
Miracles never cease in 5th and Wildwood!! Our blind friend Chris was baptized on Saturday, and what a miracle he is! He walked into the church over a month ago and new he needed God in his life. Now he has made that change and is loving life and seeing many blessings come his way.
Another awesome miracle that we saw this past week was also on Saturday. Normally we have a standing appointment with a less active named James, but he was sick and couldn't meet. The sad part about that was that we didn't have backup plans...We were humbled and we prayed that Heavenly Father would guide us to who we needed to see at that time. We also repented for not having backup plans. So we looked at the former investigators list and went to meet some. On the way we spoke to a couple people and met a lady who speaks Mandarin Chinese We got her info and passed it off to the Mandarin-speaking Elders. We also got in contact with a former investigator and set up a lesson for next Saturday. The best part about that night was that we went by a part member family and set up a lesson for Sunday. Yesterday we had that lesson with them and taught them about Temples and Eternal Families because they just recently had a baby. Bro XXXXX was very receptive and we set a baptism date with him for the 24th of June! So many amazing things happening here in this area.
We have another amazing week planned this week and have lots of lessons with some potential investigators. On top of this we can take our suit coats off for the summer on June 1st, Wednesday!! That will be a good day haha. I love you all so much and miss ya tons! Have a great week!!
Elder Moore
P.S. in the top picture is of some elders in my transfer and from left to right is me; Elders Fowler; Hurley; Newman; Kirklin; Spurlock; and Glick.
The baptism is Elder Kuettel and this is XXXXX holding his seeing stick.
Then the picture of the city is a view from the balcony of a member.
May 24, 2011
Well I'm back in Calgary serving right downtown! It's pretty sweet and very different than Raymond, but it's awesome. You meet so many interesting people here. The wards I'm serving in are 5th and Wildwood, They are good wards and we have a couple investigators in 5th ward and two of them, we are hoping, will get baptized this Saturday. XXXXX is one of those and he is blind. He only has about 4% of his vision left and he is way solid. Our other investigator is XX. She is solid and knows the Gospel is true, but she needs to stop smoking. She has been good for a few days, but she still needs to make it to Saturday.
My new companion is Elder Kuettel from Stouffville Ontario, Canada. He has been out for about 10 months. It's a lot of fun and we have a ton of work. This might be my last area and I'm hoping it is because there is just so much to do! Downtown Calgary is incredible. I'll send pics next week of the City and our Baptisms!! Love ya!!!
Elder Hayden Moore
My new companion is Elder Kuettel from Stouffville Ontario, Canada. He has been out for about 10 months. It's a lot of fun and we have a ton of work. This might be my last area and I'm hoping it is because there is just so much to do! Downtown Calgary is incredible. I'll send pics next week of the City and our Baptisms!! Love ya!!!
Elder Hayden Moore
Friday, May 20, 2011
May 17, 2011

Hi Family,
I'm getting transferred to downtown Calgary, like right downtown. The wards are 5th and Wildwood. I'm a little bummed...I loved Raymond...but I have always wanted to go downtown too. There will be a lot of opportunities to proselytize.
Can you believe I just passed the 20 month mark? How is Connor? Tell him 'hi'. He is looking huge in those pics, but I will take him down when I get home. haha.
I am sending a few pics. That's Larry Gelwix. He is the coach they based the movie "Forever Strong" on and he is going to be the mission President in Fresno, California. He came to do a fireside in Raymond, it was pretty sweet. His son is also serving in this mission.
Well I have to run! Talk to you next week!
Elder Moore
Monday, May 9, 2011
May 9, 2011
the phone call was amazing. It was awesome to be able to talk to you all and to hear what's happening in AZ. Overall it was a good week. We had a good lesson with X this week and discussed the Baptismal interview questions to see what still needs to be clarified. Priesthood authority is something she just has not wrapped her head around yet, but still her main concern is smoking.... she has gone down to a couple a day now, but the time is coming close that she needs to stop smoking. I love you guys so much! It was good to hear from you! Have a great week!!
Elder Moore
the phone call was amazing. It was awesome to be able to talk to you all and to hear what's happening in AZ. Overall it was a good week. We had a good lesson with X this week and discussed the Baptismal interview questions to see what still needs to be clarified. Priesthood authority is something she just has not wrapped her head around yet, but still her main concern is smoking.... she has gone down to a couple a day now, but the time is coming close that she needs to stop smoking. I love you guys so much! It was good to hear from you! Have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
May 2, 2011
Miracles never cease in Raymond!! Last week was nothing short of amazing. We set three baptismal dates! Two of them are with X and her son for the 21st of May (my birthday!!!), and she seems to have a renewed desire to stop smoking! For awhile she seemed like she just didn't really care too much and the desire to change was not really there, but the spirit was working on her and hopefully she acts on the promptings she receives.
We picked up a new investigator named X and we set a date with her for this Wednesday! She is going to Toronto for two months, but is coming back to go to school. She is living with her sister and brother in-law who are fellowshipping her. She has been coming to Church for the last little while with them so we felt prompted to give her a date before she leaves. Her only hang up with getting baptized on Wednesday is that her Mom can't be there for it. Not sure what will happen. We, of course, are encouraging her and supporting getting baptized on Wednesday and trying to show her the importance of doing so. We have a lesson tonight and a dinner+lesson tomorrow.
We had a busy busy week. On top of all that happened we went on two more 24 hour exchanges this week. I went to Cardston for one of them with Elder Harris and then I stayed with Elder Mott, one of our Zone leaders, in Raymond. Exchanges are fun because you get to see another area for a day and experience new things, but going back to your area is always nice. The weather is amazing up here! I have been waiting for over six months for this day!! No more cold!!!! I love you all so much!!! Have a great week!! Happy Mother's Day!!
Elder Moore
Miracles never cease in Raymond!! Last week was nothing short of amazing. We set three baptismal dates! Two of them are with X and her son for the 21st of May (my birthday!!!), and she seems to have a renewed desire to stop smoking! For awhile she seemed like she just didn't really care too much and the desire to change was not really there, but the spirit was working on her and hopefully she acts on the promptings she receives.
We picked up a new investigator named X and we set a date with her for this Wednesday! She is going to Toronto for two months, but is coming back to go to school. She is living with her sister and brother in-law who are fellowshipping her. She has been coming to Church for the last little while with them so we felt prompted to give her a date before she leaves. Her only hang up with getting baptized on Wednesday is that her Mom can't be there for it. Not sure what will happen. We, of course, are encouraging her and supporting getting baptized on Wednesday and trying to show her the importance of doing so. We have a lesson tonight and a dinner+lesson tomorrow.
We had a busy busy week. On top of all that happened we went on two more 24 hour exchanges this week. I went to Cardston for one of them with Elder Harris and then I stayed with Elder Mott, one of our Zone leaders, in Raymond. Exchanges are fun because you get to see another area for a day and experience new things, but going back to your area is always nice. The weather is amazing up here! I have been waiting for over six months for this day!! No more cold!!!! I love you all so much!!! Have a great week!! Happy Mother's Day!!
Elder Moore
Monday, April 25, 2011
April 25, 2011
Another week come and gone.... We had a good week...we picked up a new investigator named X. He is a nice guy who wants to know a little bit more about life. We taught him the first part of lesson one, focusing on God and Jesus Christ, and then we gave him a blessing because he has not been doing great healthwise. He was tearing up when we where done and felt the Spirit very strong. It was a cool experience seeing the Spirit work through someone. Our other investigator and her four kids came to church this week again! We are working towards baptism on the 30th of April. She can't smoke from now until then for her to get baptized. Also, this week we got some referrals that seem pretty solid. Most are part-member families, and those are usually pretty good contacts.
We had a good Easter dinner. What made it even better was that there was a non-member and a less active that joined us. The less active asked for a Book of Mormon because she didn't have one, but the non-member boyfriend was not interested at all.
The weather is finally warming up!! I hope this lasts until I go home and we don't get any more snow. But I wouldn't doubt it if we got at least one more big snow storm. Also this week we went on 24-hour exchanges (we just barely got these back. We were doing only day exchanges before.) I went to Magrath with Elder Hatfield from Mesa, AZ. It was a good exchange we helped an investigator with some service cleaning some stuff up and taught them a lesson. It was a good week! This week we have a lot going on with investigators, more exchanges, and a training in Lethbridge on Friday. Well I love you all so much! Have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Another week come and gone.... We had a good week...we picked up a new investigator named X. He is a nice guy who wants to know a little bit more about life. We taught him the first part of lesson one, focusing on God and Jesus Christ, and then we gave him a blessing because he has not been doing great healthwise. He was tearing up when we where done and felt the Spirit very strong. It was a cool experience seeing the Spirit work through someone. Our other investigator and her four kids came to church this week again! We are working towards baptism on the 30th of April. She can't smoke from now until then for her to get baptized. Also, this week we got some referrals that seem pretty solid. Most are part-member families, and those are usually pretty good contacts.
We had a good Easter dinner. What made it even better was that there was a non-member and a less active that joined us. The less active asked for a Book of Mormon because she didn't have one, but the non-member boyfriend was not interested at all.
The weather is finally warming up!! I hope this lasts until I go home and we don't get any more snow. But I wouldn't doubt it if we got at least one more big snow storm. Also this week we went on 24-hour exchanges (we just barely got these back. We were doing only day exchanges before.) I went to Magrath with Elder Hatfield from Mesa, AZ. It was a good exchange we helped an investigator with some service cleaning some stuff up and taught them a lesson. It was a good week! This week we have a lot going on with investigators, more exchanges, and a training in Lethbridge on Friday. Well I love you all so much! Have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
April 19, 2011
Yesterday, we as a mission had an awesome experience to have Elder Richard G Scott speak to us in Calgary. Everyone south of Calgary got on a bus at 6am to get there by 8. It was a long day, but an amazing one, nonetheless. Elder Scott's main instruction for us was about helping our investigators attain greater faith in Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon. Also he told us when we get home we need to get married and it needs to be our #1 priority haha. Then for the rest of the time he opened it up to questions. Most of the questions were on how can we help the investigator and we got some awesome insight from some of his answers. The best part about it all was his testimony of Jesus Christ. He truly is a witness that the Savior lives. After the meeting and the two hour bus ride to Lethbridge, we went and stopped by to see Troy Leavitt in my old area in the Bridge. It was sweet. We ate lunch with him and caught up. It was awesome to be able to do that.
Teaching-wise this last week we set a baptismal date for X and her kids for April 30th. We are trying to help her stop smoking, that is really the only thing holding back the baptism. She knows that the Gospel is true. It's awesome to see her testimony grow, we just have to get rid of those cancer sticks. We also got her and her kids to come the church.
This week we have been meeting with the Bishops and the Ward Mission Leaders to try to get everyone on the same page on what needs to be done and see how we can help them and further missionary work in the area.
Golfing last week was a joke. haha. I was terrible! That's what you get when you have not played in 18 months. That was my week! I love you all and miss ya tons! Have a great week.
Elder Moore
Monday, April 11, 2011
April 11, 2011
Greetings from the Raymond Public Golf Course!! Yes! The weather is warm enough so we can go golfing on PDAY ! We are going this afternoon and I'm stoked!
I have a new comp Elder Murphy from Atlanta, Georgia and he has been out 21 months. We are going to tear it up here in Raymond! We are trying to get all of the Ward Mission Leaders and Bishops on the same page and get the "Perry Plan" moving forward in the stake. Once that starts happening, things will get even better here. Raymond is a great place it's about 70% to 75% LDS. People call Southern Alberta "Northern Utah" sometimes because the small towns are mostly LDS. We get treated really well in Raymond. The members are great people and missionary-minded.
Investigator-wise it has kinda slowed down over the past two weeks, but that is going to change here really soon. We got four solid referrals yesterday at church and some really good potentials as well.
Also, this last week I had the opportunity to go to the temple two days in a row. Elder Murphy had a convert go through to get his endowments and he was his escort, so we got to talk with the Temple President and he answered questions we had. I also got to go last P-day with E. Reese before he left. The Cardston Temple is amazing. Well I will have lots to write about next week with Elder Richard G. Scott coming to speak to our mission! And also we have interviews with President Archibald this Wednesday. I love you guys so much and hope you all have great week!
Elder Moore
I have a new comp Elder Murphy from Atlanta, Georgia and he has been out 21 months. We are going to tear it up here in Raymond! We are trying to get all of the Ward Mission Leaders and Bishops on the same page and get the "Perry Plan" moving forward in the stake. Once that starts happening, things will get even better here. Raymond is a great place it's about 70% to 75% LDS. People call Southern Alberta "Northern Utah" sometimes because the small towns are mostly LDS. We get treated really well in Raymond. The members are great people and missionary-minded.
Investigator-wise it has kinda slowed down over the past two weeks, but that is going to change here really soon. We got four solid referrals yesterday at church and some really good potentials as well.
Also, this last week I had the opportunity to go to the temple two days in a row. Elder Murphy had a convert go through to get his endowments and he was his escort, so we got to talk with the Temple President and he answered questions we had. I also got to go last P-day with E. Reese before he left. The Cardston Temple is amazing. Well I will have lots to write about next week with Elder Richard G. Scott coming to speak to our mission! And also we have interviews with President Archibald this Wednesday. I love you guys so much and hope you all have great week!
Elder Moore
Sunday, April 10, 2011
April 5, 2011
Another trasnfer come and gone.........
Sorry I missed last week's blogpost and this one is going to have to be a short one. We just got back from the Temple and now my comp needs to say bye to a lot of people since he has been transferred to a different area.
As missionaries we love General Conference! It's an awesome experience and you get to take in the Spirit. A lot of great messages that we will use when we teach people. One of my favorites was Elder Bednar's talk on receiving revelation. His analogy about turning on a light stitch and having the sunrise and how the difference between the two is quite different. We won't always have a light switch experience.
Workwise this last week was pretty cool and interesting. We had an awesome experience with a less active, he has been less active for a long long time and now he want to turn things around and baptize his daughter! We also had a non-member call us up and wants to start hearing from us. haha That was pretty cool.
I wish I had more time! We had a lot of cool stuff happen this last week. I love you guys so much! Have a great week!
Elder Moore
Sorry I missed last week's blogpost and this one is going to have to be a short one. We just got back from the Temple and now my comp needs to say bye to a lot of people since he has been transferred to a different area.
As missionaries we love General Conference! It's an awesome experience and you get to take in the Spirit. A lot of great messages that we will use when we teach people. One of my favorites was Elder Bednar's talk on receiving revelation. His analogy about turning on a light stitch and having the sunrise and how the difference between the two is quite different. We won't always have a light switch experience.
Workwise this last week was pretty cool and interesting. We had an awesome experience with a less active, he has been less active for a long long time and now he want to turn things around and baptize his daughter! We also had a non-member call us up and wants to start hearing from us. haha That was pretty cool.
I wish I had more time! We had a lot of cool stuff happen this last week. I love you guys so much! Have a great week!
Elder Moore
Monday, March 21, 2011
March 21, 2011
Hello Family,
Lots of changes in the Raymond Stake! Last night all 8 wards split, changed their boundaries and they created the 9th ward. This means lots of changes for the leadership such as Ward Mission Leaders (WMLs) and Bishops. We have 3 new bishoprics we need to get rolling on the work and 4 new WMLs that we need to get on the same page. Working with leadership has been the key to success in Raymond so we are going to be very busy over the next couple weeks getting things rolling again. It's kinda like starting from square one with a lot of these wards, but I feel confident that these changes will lead to further success in Raymond.
We had an interesting experience with XXXXX, one of our investigators, who had a baptismal date for this last Saturday. On Wednesday we got a call form him saying that he was not feeling good, so we went over there and he was twitching really bad. It looked like he was having a seizure, not a full blown one, but still it was crazy. He calmed down then we went to grab his wife at work and she followed us and took him to the hospital fearing that he could turn for the worse any second. He had a 5-6 seizures since being there. It's been crazy but we have been visiting him almost everyday and keeping up with him. They don't know when he is going to get out.
In other news we are moving apartments this week and we also have a specialized training with the AP's on how we can better our 7 day challenge with the members. Oh ya and its snowing right now...
I love you guys so very much and The Church is true! And I know without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, The Holy One of Israel.
Elder Moore
Lots of changes in the Raymond Stake! Last night all 8 wards split, changed their boundaries and they created the 9th ward. This means lots of changes for the leadership such as Ward Mission Leaders (WMLs) and Bishops. We have 3 new bishoprics we need to get rolling on the work and 4 new WMLs that we need to get on the same page. Working with leadership has been the key to success in Raymond so we are going to be very busy over the next couple weeks getting things rolling again. It's kinda like starting from square one with a lot of these wards, but I feel confident that these changes will lead to further success in Raymond.
We had an interesting experience with XXXXX, one of our investigators, who had a baptismal date for this last Saturday. On Wednesday we got a call form him saying that he was not feeling good, so we went over there and he was twitching really bad. It looked like he was having a seizure, not a full blown one, but still it was crazy. He calmed down then we went to grab his wife at work and she followed us and took him to the hospital fearing that he could turn for the worse any second. He had a 5-6 seizures since being there. It's been crazy but we have been visiting him almost everyday and keeping up with him. They don't know when he is going to get out.
In other news we are moving apartments this week and we also have a specialized training with the AP's on how we can better our 7 day challenge with the members. Oh ya and its snowing right now...
I love you guys so very much and The Church is true! And I know without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, The Holy One of Israel.
Elder Moore
Monday, March 14, 2011
March 14, 2011
Hello Family!
This was one busy, busy week! So I will highlight the best parts of the week which all happened this week end. First things first, the weather has finally started to turn warm! I am done with the -20 weather, hopefully it doesn't come back. But most importantly, this was probably one of the most spiritual and fun weeks of the mission so far....
On Saturday, we got up at the early hour of 3am to drive to Lethbridge and hop on a bus to drive to Calgary to see Elder D. Todd Christofferson. The bus ride up was fun. It was everyone who is serving south of Calgary and it was a blast to see others who I haven't seen in 6 months to a year. We got to Calgary at about 7:30 and sang music till 8 when he arrived. What was also so cool about this experience was that we where together as a mission, only the second time that has happened. The last time was a year ago when E. Bednar came to the mission. E. Christofferson was awesome! At the beginning of the program we all got to shake his hand, then he started his instruction on faith and repentance and how we need to really get our investigators to repent and understand the importance of it. Some of the scriptures that he had us read before hand, and then taught from, were Matthew 4:17, 2Nephi 30:2 and D&C 6:9. What I loved most about it was that he was real with us and wasn't just a serious guy because he joked around a lot too. It was an awesome experience. The most powerful moment was when he bore his testimony and gave us an apostolic blessing. It was powerful stuff, especially when he bore his witness of Christ.... wow.
Sunday was an amazing day! We had the wonderful opportunity to lead two of our investigators down into the waters of baptism. The first was at 630 in Raymond and the spirit was so strong. Satan worked hard to try and change her mind and have other forces working against it, but he did not succeed. Her countenance was glowing the whole time and tears where flowing when she was baptized. I was blessed with the opportunity to confirm her a member of the church and conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost...Awesome experience. Right after the baptism was over we had to rush up to Lethbridge to be there for the second baptism. He is 10 years old and has had a crazy family situation over the past two years, but he was so happy to be baptized. It was chaos when we first got there because the Dad was a no show at first and we were all frantically trying to find out where he was, but it turned out he was at a different building... so we got on with the program once he got there and it was really nice.
I wish I had more time write down the rest of the events and other miracles that happened this week but that will have to happen when I'm home, I love you all and hope you have a great week!!
Elder Hayden Moore
This was one busy, busy week! So I will highlight the best parts of the week which all happened this week end. First things first, the weather has finally started to turn warm! I am done with the -20 weather, hopefully it doesn't come back. But most importantly, this was probably one of the most spiritual and fun weeks of the mission so far....
On Saturday, we got up at the early hour of 3am to drive to Lethbridge and hop on a bus to drive to Calgary to see Elder D. Todd Christofferson. The bus ride up was fun. It was everyone who is serving south of Calgary and it was a blast to see others who I haven't seen in 6 months to a year. We got to Calgary at about 7:30 and sang music till 8 when he arrived. What was also so cool about this experience was that we where together as a mission, only the second time that has happened. The last time was a year ago when E. Bednar came to the mission. E. Christofferson was awesome! At the beginning of the program we all got to shake his hand, then he started his instruction on faith and repentance and how we need to really get our investigators to repent and understand the importance of it. Some of the scriptures that he had us read before hand, and then taught from, were Matthew 4:17, 2Nephi 30:2 and D&C 6:9. What I loved most about it was that he was real with us and wasn't just a serious guy because he joked around a lot too. It was an awesome experience. The most powerful moment was when he bore his testimony and gave us an apostolic blessing. It was powerful stuff, especially when he bore his witness of Christ.... wow.
Sunday was an amazing day! We had the wonderful opportunity to lead two of our investigators down into the waters of baptism. The first was at 630 in Raymond and the spirit was so strong. Satan worked hard to try and change her mind and have other forces working against it, but he did not succeed. Her countenance was glowing the whole time and tears where flowing when she was baptized. I was blessed with the opportunity to confirm her a member of the church and conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost...Awesome experience. Right after the baptism was over we had to rush up to Lethbridge to be there for the second baptism. He is 10 years old and has had a crazy family situation over the past two years, but he was so happy to be baptized. It was chaos when we first got there because the Dad was a no show at first and we were all frantically trying to find out where he was, but it turned out he was at a different building... so we got on with the program once he got there and it was really nice.
I wish I had more time write down the rest of the events and other miracles that happened this week but that will have to happen when I'm home, I love you all and hope you have a great week!!
Elder Hayden Moore
Monday, March 7, 2011
March 7, 2011
Another amazing week in Raymond!
It was a jammed-packed week, we taught a lot and saw a lot of miracles, and I even lost my voice in the process. ha! I have been battling a cold since I have gotten here to Raymond and lost my voice on Thursday morning. It's not fun, but I have almost gotten it all back.
So starting with Tuesday, we had a lesson with X and it was a roller coaster ride ha. We talked about some of his questions and taught him about the Apostasy and Joseph Smith. We set a baptismal date for the 19th of March! It will take a lot of work to get him there, but it is possible. We had a great dinner with some non-members and then we had a good lesson. We watched Finding Faith in Christ, but towards the end of the lesson some of the member's family came downstairs and it threw everything off.... it was frustrating.
Wednesday was another great day as well. We had a lesson with Z who isn't a member and lives with his son and family who are very active and great members. Z is a gourmet chef and cooks some amazing food. We had a great first lesson with him and we are going over there again on Thursday this week!
So now we are at the point in the week where I lost my voice and it was not fun at all because if I need anything on my mission, it is my voice... so for most of the day my talking was minimal. But Thursday we had awesome lessons at two different investigators. The Spirit was strong at both lessons. At one of the families the mom is out of town for a couple weeks, but we met with the kids and the husband. He is not interested but is cool with us teaching the kids.
Friday I went to Magrath for exchanges with Elder Heap (yes he is related to the Heaps from Mesa), who is from San Diego and plays volleyball for BYU. It was a fun day. The main highlight of the day was that I was driving down a farm road on ice and I slid right into ditch haha. I had to be pulled out by a member. We were in so deep, I could barely open the car door.
Saturday and Sunday were also great days with many miracles. We got five different investigators to church and and some more amazing lessons. I wish I could explain them all to ya but I have run out of time. It was an amazing week and to give you a preview of what is to come this week, we have two baptisms lined up for this weekend. Also we are going to Calgary to see Elder D. Todd Christofferson, so I will fill you in on what happens!! Love you all and have a great week!!
Elder Moore
It was a jammed-packed week, we taught a lot and saw a lot of miracles, and I even lost my voice in the process. ha! I have been battling a cold since I have gotten here to Raymond and lost my voice on Thursday morning. It's not fun, but I have almost gotten it all back.
So starting with Tuesday, we had a lesson with X and it was a roller coaster ride ha. We talked about some of his questions and taught him about the Apostasy and Joseph Smith. We set a baptismal date for the 19th of March! It will take a lot of work to get him there, but it is possible. We had a great dinner with some non-members and then we had a good lesson. We watched Finding Faith in Christ, but towards the end of the lesson some of the member's family came downstairs and it threw everything off.... it was frustrating.
Wednesday was another great day as well. We had a lesson with Z who isn't a member and lives with his son and family who are very active and great members. Z is a gourmet chef and cooks some amazing food. We had a great first lesson with him and we are going over there again on Thursday this week!
So now we are at the point in the week where I lost my voice and it was not fun at all because if I need anything on my mission, it is my voice... so for most of the day my talking was minimal. But Thursday we had awesome lessons at two different investigators. The Spirit was strong at both lessons. At one of the families the mom is out of town for a couple weeks, but we met with the kids and the husband. He is not interested but is cool with us teaching the kids.
Friday I went to Magrath for exchanges with Elder Heap (yes he is related to the Heaps from Mesa), who is from San Diego and plays volleyball for BYU. It was a fun day. The main highlight of the day was that I was driving down a farm road on ice and I slid right into ditch haha. I had to be pulled out by a member. We were in so deep, I could barely open the car door.
Saturday and Sunday were also great days with many miracles. We got five different investigators to church and and some more amazing lessons. I wish I could explain them all to ya but I have run out of time. It was an amazing week and to give you a preview of what is to come this week, we have two baptisms lined up for this weekend. Also we are going to Calgary to see Elder D. Todd Christofferson, so I will fill you in on what happens!! Love you all and have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
February 28, 2011
Greetings from Raymond!
I feel so blessed being able to serve in Raymond at this time because this area is on fire right now! To paint a picture of how well this area is doing, we have 6 investigators that we are teaching right now and 2 of them have a baptism date for March 12th and also we have another 7 that we are going to be teaching here in the next week or so and most of them are going to be pretty solid investigators. So let me tell ya a little bit about me first few days in Raymond....
Raymond is a town of about 3,800 people and about 3,000 of them are members. w
We cover an entire stake, so we are always getting fed ha. On Sundays we go to about 8 hours of church...... ya its way long. We did the math and figured that if I stay here for 6 months I will go to about 3 years worth of church haha. Also to tell ya a little bit about my comp Elder Reese, he is from San Clemente, California and he has been out 13 months. He is a cool kid and we are going to tear it up here in Raymond.
So my first few days in Raymond were busy busy, we met with most of our investigators. The first one that we met with was A and her kids. She was supposed to be baptized this Saturday, but she can't stop smoking Now she is taking off for Montreal for three weeks. We also met with B and she is way solid, and will be baptized on the 12th of March. She needs to stop drinking coffee. She loves her coffee and I know Dad loved his too, so you got any pointers on how you stopped?? We also had some people who we haven't started teaching yet but one guy we might start teaching has read 100 pages of the Book of Mormon already. It is pretty amazing, We meet with him this next week to discuss it. There are so many things happening here in Raymond. It is amazing and the next couple weeks are going to be awesome.
So I just got an Email from the Mission and Elder D. Todd Christofferson is going to be speaking to the mission on March 12th in Calgary! That is going to be an amazing experience and we are lucky, cause we got to hear Elder Bednar the same time last year.
Well I love you guys so much and hope you have a great week!
Elder Moore
I feel so blessed being able to serve in Raymond at this time because this area is on fire right now! To paint a picture of how well this area is doing, we have 6 investigators that we are teaching right now and 2 of them have a baptism date for March 12th and also we have another 7 that we are going to be teaching here in the next week or so and most of them are going to be pretty solid investigators. So let me tell ya a little bit about me first few days in Raymond....
Raymond is a town of about 3,800 people and about 3,000 of them are members. w
We cover an entire stake, so we are always getting fed ha. On Sundays we go to about 8 hours of church...... ya its way long. We did the math and figured that if I stay here for 6 months I will go to about 3 years worth of church haha. Also to tell ya a little bit about my comp Elder Reese, he is from San Clemente, California and he has been out 13 months. He is a cool kid and we are going to tear it up here in Raymond.
So my first few days in Raymond were busy busy, we met with most of our investigators. The first one that we met with was A and her kids. She was supposed to be baptized this Saturday, but she can't stop smoking Now she is taking off for Montreal for three weeks. We also met with B and she is way solid, and will be baptized on the 12th of March. She needs to stop drinking coffee. She loves her coffee and I know Dad loved his too, so you got any pointers on how you stopped?? We also had some people who we haven't started teaching yet but one guy we might start teaching has read 100 pages of the Book of Mormon already. It is pretty amazing, We meet with him this next week to discuss it. There are so many things happening here in Raymond. It is amazing and the next couple weeks are going to be awesome.
So I just got an Email from the Mission and Elder D. Todd Christofferson is going to be speaking to the mission on March 12th in Calgary! That is going to be an amazing experience and we are lucky, cause we got to hear Elder Bednar the same time last year.
Well I love you guys so much and hope you have a great week!
Elder Moore
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
February 22, 2011
It's transfer week...
...and it looks like I'm headed to Raymond! I'm excited, and not, at the same time. I really wanted to stay and "kill" off Elder Chamberlin (he's going home soon), but looks like that's not going to happen. Raymond will be sick because I'm covering an entire stake, so we will be very busy. This may be my last area...who knows? Also I'm not serving around Elder Newman anymore (he came out with me). We have been serving around each other for six transfers in a row and eight total. Ha! It has been great, but now I probably won't see him till the mission home. Elder Chamberlin is staying put and he is getting E. Nashif who is only 4 months out. We don't know him. My companion is Elder Reese. He is three transfers younger than me and he is cool kid. It should be fun.
Well it's a short one this week because I don't have a lot of time. It has been a fun time in the Hat and I will miss it, but Raymond will be a blast. I love you guys so much and will tell ya all about Raymond next week.
Elder Moore
...and it looks like I'm headed to Raymond! I'm excited, and not, at the same time. I really wanted to stay and "kill" off Elder Chamberlin (he's going home soon), but looks like that's not going to happen. Raymond will be sick because I'm covering an entire stake, so we will be very busy. This may be my last area...who knows? Also I'm not serving around Elder Newman anymore (he came out with me). We have been serving around each other for six transfers in a row and eight total. Ha! It has been great, but now I probably won't see him till the mission home. Elder Chamberlin is staying put and he is getting E. Nashif who is only 4 months out. We don't know him. My companion is Elder Reese. He is three transfers younger than me and he is cool kid. It should be fun.
Well it's a short one this week because I don't have a lot of time. It has been a fun time in the Hat and I will miss it, but Raymond will be a blast. I love you guys so much and will tell ya all about Raymond next week.
Elder Moore
Thursday, February 17, 2011
February 14, 2011
Its finally warming up!!!!! But not for Thursday its going to snow then it will get really cold again.
Nothing too exciting this week, just another week of stopping by members and potential investigators. Our investigator is in Ethiopia on a humanitarian trip, they get back on the 25th, but that is 2 days after transfers; so hopefully, I'm still around when they get back! We are working to find more people to teach, now we are back down to zero investigators till she gets back. This week we have a couple of less actives that we are going to start teaching and I'm excited about them because they haven't been active for awhile. It will be awesome to get them back.
This last District meeting (we have them every Tuesday morning at 10) that we had was awesome, it was mostly out of chapter 10 in Preach My Gospel, the theme was teach people, not lessons. In the the beginning of my mission we had a bad habit of "fire hosing" a lesson and not asking "effective" questions, but over the past year they have given a series of trainings to help us teach better. So in this DM we read a lot out of Alma 18, that chapter is one of the best examples of teaching - it's all about teaching with the spirit.
Well that was pretty much our week ha! Well I love you guys so much! Have a great week!!
Elder Hayden Moore
Its finally warming up!!!!! But not for Thursday its going to snow then it will get really cold again.
Nothing too exciting this week, just another week of stopping by members and potential investigators. Our investigator is in Ethiopia on a humanitarian trip, they get back on the 25th, but that is 2 days after transfers; so hopefully, I'm still around when they get back! We are working to find more people to teach, now we are back down to zero investigators till she gets back. This week we have a couple of less actives that we are going to start teaching and I'm excited about them because they haven't been active for awhile. It will be awesome to get them back.
This last District meeting (we have them every Tuesday morning at 10) that we had was awesome, it was mostly out of chapter 10 in Preach My Gospel, the theme was teach people, not lessons. In the the beginning of my mission we had a bad habit of "fire hosing" a lesson and not asking "effective" questions, but over the past year they have given a series of trainings to help us teach better. So in this DM we read a lot out of Alma 18, that chapter is one of the best examples of teaching - it's all about teaching with the spirit.
Well that was pretty much our week ha! Well I love you guys so much! Have a great week!!
Elder Hayden Moore
Monday, February 7, 2011
February 7, 2011
Busy Week Up Here in the Great White North
Another week come and gone.... Tell Bishop Anderson that I thank him for everything that he has done as bishop and that he did an amazing job magnifying his calling. Send my condolences to Bishop Nathan Andersen haha jk He will do an amazing job, he is a spiritual giant and he was great example to me as my home teaching companion.
So far it is not as cold as it was last week, but tonight it will get pretty chilly at about -30c but then it is supposed to warm up by the end of the week so hopefully it is going to start warming up here a little more frequently. What I have learned by living in this climate is that I can live with snow. It's really not that bad. It can get annoying but I can deal with it. What I can't live with is the cold temps. Not the 10c, that's not bad; it's when its like -25 to -30, even - 40 when it is killer.
We were pretty busy this week... Tuesday we had exchanges and I went with E. Miller again this time just working in my area. We had a good day and had a few lessons with some less actives and also we had a lesson with our investigator. In the lesson we answered some of the questions she had and helped clear up some rumors she had heard ha. It was a really good lesson and we really feel like she is moving in the right direction. We also met with her on Sunday and we watched the Restoration DVD. This was the last lesson we are going to have with her for a few weeks because she, our WML (ward mission leader), and the members she is living with are going to Ethiopia on a humanitarian trip. So hopefully she will realize what she needs to do. E. Chamberlin and I both feel like we have done all we can and now it is in her hands to make the decision, we will obviously still teach her and help her, but she knows what she needs to do. She is very smart and a good person. I am confident that the Spirit will lead her to making the right decision. So going back to Wednesday, we had Zone Conference in Magrath which is about 3 hours southwest of Med Hat. It was a long day. We had to leave the Hat by 530am to get there by 830 and the roads where terrible; it was windy and icy and there was a lot of blowing snow, but we got there safe, no incidents. Zone Conference was good they talked about urgency in our investigators being baptized and they focused a lot on numbers... and they talked a lot about the Atonement. We listened to a talk given by Elder Jeffery R. Holland, he gave it to Mission Presidents and other missionaries it was amazing. The Church Is True!!!! So those were the highlights of the week, it was a good one for sure.
I love you guys so much and have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
Another week come and gone.... Tell Bishop Anderson that I thank him for everything that he has done as bishop and that he did an amazing job magnifying his calling. Send my condolences to Bishop Nathan Andersen haha jk He will do an amazing job, he is a spiritual giant and he was great example to me as my home teaching companion.
So far it is not as cold as it was last week, but tonight it will get pretty chilly at about -30c but then it is supposed to warm up by the end of the week so hopefully it is going to start warming up here a little more frequently. What I have learned by living in this climate is that I can live with snow. It's really not that bad. It can get annoying but I can deal with it. What I can't live with is the cold temps. Not the 10c, that's not bad; it's when its like -25 to -30, even - 40 when it is killer.
We were pretty busy this week... Tuesday we had exchanges and I went with E. Miller again this time just working in my area. We had a good day and had a few lessons with some less actives and also we had a lesson with our investigator. In the lesson we answered some of the questions she had and helped clear up some rumors she had heard ha. It was a really good lesson and we really feel like she is moving in the right direction. We also met with her on Sunday and we watched the Restoration DVD. This was the last lesson we are going to have with her for a few weeks because she, our WML (ward mission leader), and the members she is living with are going to Ethiopia on a humanitarian trip. So hopefully she will realize what she needs to do. E. Chamberlin and I both feel like we have done all we can and now it is in her hands to make the decision, we will obviously still teach her and help her, but she knows what she needs to do. She is very smart and a good person. I am confident that the Spirit will lead her to making the right decision. So going back to Wednesday, we had Zone Conference in Magrath which is about 3 hours southwest of Med Hat. It was a long day. We had to leave the Hat by 530am to get there by 830 and the roads where terrible; it was windy and icy and there was a lot of blowing snow, but we got there safe, no incidents. Zone Conference was good they talked about urgency in our investigators being baptized and they focused a lot on numbers... and they talked a lot about the Atonement. We listened to a talk given by Elder Jeffery R. Holland, he gave it to Mission Presidents and other missionaries it was amazing. The Church Is True!!!! So those were the highlights of the week, it was a good one for sure.
I love you guys so much and have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
Sunday, February 6, 2011
January 31, 2011
Right now, as I am typing this, it is -35C with the windchill, that is -31F for you. Ya I'm freezing my you know what off. What's crazy is that just last Thursday it was really nice outside and it was above 0C. Thankfully we got a car...
So yesterday we got to meet with our investigator again. It was a sweet lesson. We taught her L3 which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She understands everything so well, but just has some concerns that she hasn't shared with us yet. We have a meeting on Tuesday with her so hopefully we can help her with some of those concerns. She understands the Book of Mormon very well and grasps on to the things we are teaching. Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity of giving a talk on missionary work in church. It was an alright talk. haha They are really not that bad to give anymore.
Also yesterday, it was snowy and icy while I was driving. I was making a left turn which I took it a little too fast and jumped the curb. Came within inches of nailing a light pole....haha it was crazy. Missed it and everything is fine. ha
Also a funny moment happened at dinner on Saturday night. For a few days now I have had a cough. In the middle of dinner I was taking a swig of juice and coughed in the middle of it. The juice went everywhere!!! hahaha Most of it went on E. Chamberlin and we were all laughing for about 5 minutes straight it was embarrassing, but funny at the same time.
Well, I am out of time. I love you all and have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Right now, as I am typing this, it is -35C with the windchill, that is -31F for you. Ya I'm freezing my you know what off. What's crazy is that just last Thursday it was really nice outside and it was above 0C. Thankfully we got a car...
So yesterday we got to meet with our investigator again. It was a sweet lesson. We taught her L3 which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She understands everything so well, but just has some concerns that she hasn't shared with us yet. We have a meeting on Tuesday with her so hopefully we can help her with some of those concerns. She understands the Book of Mormon very well and grasps on to the things we are teaching. Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity of giving a talk on missionary work in church. It was an alright talk. haha They are really not that bad to give anymore.
Also yesterday, it was snowy and icy while I was driving. I was making a left turn which I took it a little too fast and jumped the curb. Came within inches of nailing a light pole....haha it was crazy. Missed it and everything is fine. ha
Also a funny moment happened at dinner on Saturday night. For a few days now I have had a cough. In the middle of dinner I was taking a swig of juice and coughed in the middle of it. The juice went everywhere!!! hahaha Most of it went on E. Chamberlin and we were all laughing for about 5 minutes straight it was embarrassing, but funny at the same time.
Well, I am out of time. I love you all and have a great week!!
Elder Moore
Monday, January 24, 2011
January 24, 2011
Things are finally starting to thaw out a little bit.... its finally going to be above 0C or 32F. Never thought that 32 would feel sooo good haha. So far this year Medicine Hat has gotten more snow than they have in years, lots of the white stuff.
Yesterday I found out that Elder D. Todd Christoferson is coming to the Hat for Stake conference in March, hopefully I can be there for it. That would be sweet if he spoke to the mission as well.
Well we taught our investigator again yesterday and it went really well. She kept her commitment to read and pray. We taught her the second lesson (the Plan of Salvation). She seemed to grasp it pretty well and she said a lot if it made sense to her. She has a very analytical mind, but so does the the member whose home we are teaching her in; so it works out really well. We have committed her to come to church next week, and she said she definitely will; plus an added bonus is that the Ward Mission Leader and I are speaking! ha Second time speaking in this ward. It seems like she has a real desire to learn the gospel. There was an awesome spirit at the lesson.
Interviews were this week and they were really good. President talked about faith and the AP's just asked kinda asked us the things we can improve on it was basic stuff but good.
On Friday the DLs and ZLs went to a leadership training meeting in Lethbridge. Normally I would have just stayed with E. Chamberlin, but the other companionship, E. Newman and Miller, had a lot of less active lessons and potential gator lessons that they couldn't cancel. So E. Chamberlin went and hung out in Taber and I stayed in the Hat with E. Miller ( you should remember him from 5 Guys the day I reported to the MTC). We split off Thursday night and Friday went to teach their lessons. What a great day! We even taught a less active in our area as well. So they were supposed to get back Friday night around 8, but they got a flat tire in Lethbridge and had to get it fixed; plus on the way back it started snowing like crazy so it took them awhile...they showed up to exchange back at 1130..... haha For missionaries that was really late. Not much else to report...
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
Things are finally starting to thaw out a little bit.... its finally going to be above 0C or 32F. Never thought that 32 would feel sooo good haha. So far this year Medicine Hat has gotten more snow than they have in years, lots of the white stuff.
Yesterday I found out that Elder D. Todd Christoferson is coming to the Hat for Stake conference in March, hopefully I can be there for it. That would be sweet if he spoke to the mission as well.
Well we taught our investigator again yesterday and it went really well. She kept her commitment to read and pray. We taught her the second lesson (the Plan of Salvation). She seemed to grasp it pretty well and she said a lot if it made sense to her. She has a very analytical mind, but so does the the member whose home we are teaching her in; so it works out really well. We have committed her to come to church next week, and she said she definitely will; plus an added bonus is that the Ward Mission Leader and I are speaking! ha Second time speaking in this ward. It seems like she has a real desire to learn the gospel. There was an awesome spirit at the lesson.
Interviews were this week and they were really good. President talked about faith and the AP's just asked kinda asked us the things we can improve on it was basic stuff but good.
On Friday the DLs and ZLs went to a leadership training meeting in Lethbridge. Normally I would have just stayed with E. Chamberlin, but the other companionship, E. Newman and Miller, had a lot of less active lessons and potential gator lessons that they couldn't cancel. So E. Chamberlin went and hung out in Taber and I stayed in the Hat with E. Miller ( you should remember him from 5 Guys the day I reported to the MTC). We split off Thursday night and Friday went to teach their lessons. What a great day! We even taught a less active in our area as well. So they were supposed to get back Friday night around 8, but they got a flat tire in Lethbridge and had to get it fixed; plus on the way back it started snowing like crazy so it took them awhile...they showed up to exchange back at 1130..... haha For missionaries that was really late. Not much else to report...
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!
Elder Moore
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
January 17, 2011
Another month come and gone..... Where does the time go???
Another cold, wintry week in Medicine Hat! Yesterday we picked up a new investigator... but unfortunately I have got a stomach bug again!! Its not fun. I still am not feeling great... Well back to our Gator..she is an intern for a family who does humanitarian work in Africa and stuff like that. Our Ward Mission Leader works there too and knows her well, so we challenged him to invite her to take the lessons and she accepted. So yesterday I stayed home while Elder Chamberlin and Elder Miller went on exchanges to teach her the first lesson. I'm bummed I missed out on it but I will be there next week. Also yesterday we had four less actives come to church. Bow Island is doing good. We haven't been out there for awhile. There is a guy out there that hopefully we can start teaching soon.
Elder Chamberlin and I are doing great and we are having a good time.
Well hopefully the weather here starts to warm up cause I am kinda starting to get sick of this cold, snowy weather...
Love you all and have a great week and safe travels.
Elder Moore
Another cold, wintry week in Medicine Hat! Yesterday we picked up a new investigator... but unfortunately I have got a stomach bug again!! Its not fun. I still am not feeling great... Well back to our Gator..she is an intern for a family who does humanitarian work in Africa and stuff like that. Our Ward Mission Leader works there too and knows her well, so we challenged him to invite her to take the lessons and she accepted. So yesterday I stayed home while Elder Chamberlin and Elder Miller went on exchanges to teach her the first lesson. I'm bummed I missed out on it but I will be there next week. Also yesterday we had four less actives come to church. Bow Island is doing good. We haven't been out there for awhile. There is a guy out there that hopefully we can start teaching soon.
Elder Chamberlin and I are doing great and we are having a good time.
Well hopefully the weather here starts to warm up cause I am kinda starting to get sick of this cold, snowy weather...
Love you all and have a great week and safe travels.
Elder Moore
Thursday, January 13, 2011
January 10, 2011
Greetings from the Frozen Tundra of Alberta,
Transfers have come and gone and I am still in Medicine Hat but now I have a new companion. His name is Elder Chamberlin, he is from Draper, UT and has been out 21 months. Serving with him will be lots of fun and we will work hard, even though he is 21 months out and might be getting trunky. Just kidding! It won't effect me that much... I hope haha. I still have a long ways to go ha.
So for transfers we drove to from Medicine Hat to Lethbridge which is about a 2 hour drive. Transfers are fun because you get to see missionaries that you haven't seen in a long time. So I said my goodbyes to Elder Stevens (he went to Calgary in the west stake). Before we left back to the Hat, we ate at Tony Roma's and a random member paid for all of us...a total of 8!! It was amazing.
On Wednesday, the Zone Leaders' catalytic converter went out, and they needed a car because they live 10 mintues out of town and cover all of the Hat with the Young Single Adults. So now we don't have the car. The weather's been nice snow and mild. But now that we don't have a car the great weather disappears and then comes the deep freeze and a blizzard..... it has been snowing since Saturday at noon. Right now it is light snow, but it is stinkin' cold and it is only going to get colder....Gotta love these Canadian winters!!!!
Crazy about Uncle Russ... how did he feel being on the other side of the medical practice? (Russ had his appendix out) Well tell him to get better and I love him. It's amazing how much Grant has grown up since I left.
Yeah. I heard about the shootings in Tucson. Crazy stuff... another black eye on AZ. Ever since I have come up here all I have heard is negative talk about AZ. First, the housing market, then the immigration bill, how we are killing people in need of transplants, and now the shootings!! Maybe things will calm down by September.
Well I love you all and have a great week!!!
Elder Hayden Moore
Transfers have come and gone and I am still in Medicine Hat but now I have a new companion. His name is Elder Chamberlin, he is from Draper, UT and has been out 21 months. Serving with him will be lots of fun and we will work hard, even though he is 21 months out and might be getting trunky. Just kidding! It won't effect me that much... I hope haha. I still have a long ways to go ha.
So for transfers we drove to from Medicine Hat to Lethbridge which is about a 2 hour drive. Transfers are fun because you get to see missionaries that you haven't seen in a long time. So I said my goodbyes to Elder Stevens (he went to Calgary in the west stake). Before we left back to the Hat, we ate at Tony Roma's and a random member paid for all of us...a total of 8!! It was amazing.
On Wednesday, the Zone Leaders' catalytic converter went out, and they needed a car because they live 10 mintues out of town and cover all of the Hat with the Young Single Adults. So now we don't have the car. The weather's been nice snow and mild. But now that we don't have a car the great weather disappears and then comes the deep freeze and a blizzard..... it has been snowing since Saturday at noon. Right now it is light snow, but it is stinkin' cold and it is only going to get colder....Gotta love these Canadian winters!!!!
Crazy about Uncle Russ... how did he feel being on the other side of the medical practice? (Russ had his appendix out) Well tell him to get better and I love him. It's amazing how much Grant has grown up since I left.
Yeah. I heard about the shootings in Tucson. Crazy stuff... another black eye on AZ. Ever since I have come up here all I have heard is negative talk about AZ. First, the housing market, then the immigration bill, how we are killing people in need of transplants, and now the shootings!! Maybe things will calm down by September.
Well I love you all and have a great week!!!
Elder Hayden Moore
Monday, January 3, 2011
January 3, 2011
Happy 2011!! Well it is transfers this week, but they kinda changed it up so we are emailing on Monday. I am getting a new companion, Elder Chamberlin. I don't know a lot about him, but what I have been hearing is good so far. This transfer is going to be a little bit different. It is going to be seven weeks, not six, because they are sending missionaries home a week early. Everyone in Medicine Hat, all six of us, are getting new companions. It will be good transfer. Elder Stevens (Elder Moore's current companion) is going to West Calgary.
This week we got some less actives out to church for all three hours. It was pretty cool to see them come out and feel the difference in their lives. We didn't get a chance to meet with any of our investigators this week, but hopefully next week. We will start teaching a guy out in Bow Island who is " very" interested...we will see what happens.
It's been kinda cold the past week and a little snowy but not too bad. I bet you guys are freezing down there. Heard it is in the 20s hahaha and you even got a little bit of snow in the higher parts of the valley. That is sweet.
Well I love you all so much. Have a great week!
Elder Moore
This week we got some less actives out to church for all three hours. It was pretty cool to see them come out and feel the difference in their lives. We didn't get a chance to meet with any of our investigators this week, but hopefully next week. We will start teaching a guy out in Bow Island who is " very" interested...we will see what happens.
It's been kinda cold the past week and a little snowy but not too bad. I bet you guys are freezing down there. Heard it is in the 20s hahaha and you even got a little bit of snow in the higher parts of the valley. That is sweet.
Well I love you all so much. Have a great week!
Elder Moore
December 27, 2010
Mi Familia,
It was amazing to talk to you guys on phone call yet ha! The rest of Christmas was good. Right after I got off with you, we went and chilled out tossing the basketball around until our dinner at the Peppers. We had ham and cheesy potatoes. haha They were way good. They gave us little presents which were fun: some Canada socks, a huge Canada stocking and some other goodies. Even though I was away from home, it was a good Christmas; definitely one I will always remember. I love you all! Happy NEW Year!!
Elder Moore
It was amazing to talk to you guys on phone call yet ha! The rest of Christmas was good. Right after I got off with you, we went and chilled out tossing the basketball around until our dinner at the Peppers. We had ham and cheesy potatoes. haha They were way good. They gave us little presents which were fun: some Canada socks, a huge Canada stocking and some other goodies. Even though I was away from home, it was a good Christmas; definitely one I will always remember. I love you all! Happy NEW Year!!
Elder Moore
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